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ahahahhahahahah this chapter is a lot yalllll
tw: slight talk about abortion

We stared at her for a moment, unsure as to whether or not she was joking.

"Are you serious?" I asked, but based on the small girls' frazzled state, I knew she was indeed serious.

"I found out this morning. I dumped all of Sam's drinks and same with the shots, but I still got drunk last night and I did fucking molly, so who knows, maybe I already hurt the baby," she whimpered. 

Both Sam and I exchanged glances, still not sure what to do, especially considering how drunk I was.

"Hey, let's not worry about that right now. Do you know who the dad is?" Sam said softly.

 She looked up, shock setting in.

"I didn't even think about that. I've been sleeping with both of them for long enough for it to be Jakes or Anthonys," she groaned, falling back onto the bed, "I don't even know if I'm going to keep it."

"Hey, both Sam and I are here, regardless of what happens. We're not going to let anything happen to you or the baby if you decide to keep it, and even if you don't, we'll hold your hand the whole way through, okay?" I assured, sitting down next to her. Sam sat on the chair across from us, worry settling into his features. She sat up and hugged me, crying into my shoulder.

"I've got you, baby. It's going to be okay."

"Thank you," she whispered. I caressed her hair, looking at Sam in fear of this new information. he looked equally as afraid.

"Sam, could you call Jake? I don't know where he went and I'm really worried about him. He was so mad at me," Lilli sniffled.

"Yeah, of course," he said, pulling his phone out.

"Please don't tell him," she said.

"I won't," He promised, pulling the phone up to his ear, "Hey, man..... Yeah, just worried is all..... You good? Okay, well maybe you should come home..... we're all worried, Jake..... it's late..... okay..... okay, I'll see you soon."

Lilli looked up at Sam, as did I, and he softly smiled before he walked out of the room. Lilli and I sat in silence holding each other until he came back.

"I set you up in Jake's room, Lilli. I don't think either of you should go to bed angry like this. He said he went to the bar, so he'll be home soon. You and Bel can stay for as long as you need, okay?" Sam smiled, sitting down next to us.

"Thank you, Sam. You're a good friend," Lilli mumbled, pulling the tall boy into our hug. He laughed, giving in eventually and cradling the both of us I'm his arms as we laid our heads on his lap.

"I think we'd be good parents. I mean, imagine the three of us raising a child. That would be one cool kid," I slurred.

"They'd have the best music taste," Sam agreed. 

I scrunched up my nose, disagreeing.

"Lilli literally has the worst taste. She listens to Justin Bieber religiously," I chuckled. Sam lightly pushed her head off his leg.

"Count me out, then. Justin stole my Birkenstocks, so if you want your child to be a little thief, then definitely raise them as a Belieber," he cackled. We all laughed until the temporary joy wore off, the sudden dread of her very real situation hitting.

"You're going to be okay," Sam whispered, kissing her softly on the forehead before kissing me, "I know my brother. He chases what he loves, regardless of circumstance, and he loves you more than anything."

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