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this chapter is pure fluff. I figured it was time to give yall whatcha wanted.

I woke up the next morning to Sam's gentle snoring, his arm slung lazily around my waist as he caught up on some much-needed sleep. I checked the clock to see it was merely 9 am and considering I didn't need to get to work until 12, I figured I could savor the moment. I snuggled closer to him and nuzzled my face into the crook of his neck, carefully clasping my hands behind his back so as to assure some sense of security.

"Good morning," he groggily whispered.

"Morning. How'd you sleep?" I asked, keeping my voice low as I looked up at him. He smiled and placed a small kiss on my forehead before grimacing in pain.

"Mh, better than I have all week, but I still feel like shit," he dryly chuckled, letting his head fall against the wall. I pulled away from him and tugged the comforter off my legs, slowly standing up. Sam grabbed my hand suddenly, tugging me back down to the bed.

"Stay for a bit?" He asked.

"I guess I could," I joked, dramatically sighing and falling back so that my head landed on his torso.

"I'm sorry if I scared you last night," he said after a few minutes of comfortable silence, "I just didn't know where else to go."

"It's okay, you didn't. I was just really high so it caught me off guard a bit."

"Did you smoke the stuff I gave you?" He asked. I nodded, lazily playing with his fingers. "Hm, yeah. That shit fucks you up. Josh gets it fr-"

"Sammy," I interrupted.


"Can we go to the cops about Santana, or at least cancel her or something? I can't forgive her after seeing you the way you were last night," I sighed, flipping over so that I was resting on my elbows and looking at him. He bit his lip and looked down, and I could see the gears in his mind turning.

"I really just want to drop it. I don't want to ever have to think about her again," he finally admitted.

"I know, but Sam-"

"Bella, please. I can't live through it a third time. I know you hate her, but for my sake, you need to move on, okay?"

"Okay. I'm sorry," I sighed, falling back onto his stomach again.

"It's okay," He whispered. He ran his fingers through my hair, softly sighing like he wanted to say more, but his lips didn't move.

"Penny for your thoughts?" I asked. He laughed and leaned over, letting his hair frame both mine and his face as his hands carefully cupped my cheeks. I explored his eyes, trying to figure out what he was doing but my questioning quickly revoked as he leaned closer, gently placing his lips against mine. To my own surprise, I kissed him back, moving my lips against his slowly and lovingly like I didn't know when I'd kiss him again; savoring every moment of it.

"Be mine, Bella," he mumbled between kisses.


"Be mine. I can't keep pretending like I'm okay without you, because I'm not. I can't keep playing these games."

I sat up slowly, brushing my hair behind my ears as I looked at him, confused and shocked.

"Are you asking me to be your girlfriend?" I smiled.

"Yeah, I am. I've lost you too many times and I can't let you go again. I need you, Bella," he whispered, holding both of my hands between his. I stood up suddenly and began to pace the room, running my hands through my hair for dramatic effect.

"I dunno, I mean, that makes everything so complicated. We'd have to report to HR with the new job and everything. Lilli will fucking kill me, and Josh would absolutely flip his shi-"

"I'm sorry, it was a stupid thing to say," Sam mumbled. I glanced back at him, trying to keep my face neutral but failed immediately, beaming back at him.

"I'm fucking joking. Of course I'll be your girlfriend, Sammy," I laughed, crawling back onto the bed. His mouth fell open in shock and he gently slapped my arm, pouting as he squirmed away from me.

"You're a dickhead, you know that?" He chuckled, pulling me into him by my waist and tickling me.

"Yeah, I know," I laughed, wriggling out of his grip to kiss him. "If you're serious about this, though, you have to promise me something."


"You tell me the second anything bad happens, okay? I don't care if it's Santana, or if you're mixed up with drugs again, or even if it's a fight with your brothers; you tell me," I said, making sure he knew I was being serious.

"I will. I'm not going to hurt you again," he promised, kissing my shoulder.

"Don't say that. Every time you say that, shit hits the fan," I half-joked.

"Mh, well you weren't my girlfriend then. I'm a changed man," he laughed, scrunching his nose up at me. I smiled and placed a gentle kiss on his lips before standing up and walking into the kitchen. He followed me like a lost dog, falling onto the couch as I put a pot of coffee on and grabbed an Asprin from the cupboard. I filled up a glass of water and brought it to him along with the Asprin, handing it to him.

"Oh, no thanks. I'm actually trying to stop doing drugs," he smirked.

"Just take it," I whined. He opened his mouth and I dropped the tab in, walking back to the kitchen and pouring our coffees. I rejoined him on the couch, carefully sipping my coffee as I leaned into him. His hands shook as he tried to pick up his coffee cup, but eventually, it made it to his mouth. Even as I tried to enjoy the moment with him, my heart and mind wouldn't stop racing; I knew how broken he was, and now I was officially his girlfriend. I'd disregarded every oath I'd made to myself to stay away from him, I'd blatantly ignored the red flags, and now here I was, making an exception for the man who'd hurt me the most.

I was being idiotic.

"Penny for your thoughts?" Sam smiled, beating me at my own game. I sighed, putting my coffee down, and turned to face him.

"Why'd you ask me to be your girlfriend today? I mean, it all seems so fast-paced. I don't regret it at all, I want to be with you, I'm just not sure if it's going to be any different this time," I admitted. He shifted in his spot and began to play with my fingers, avoiding my eyes.

"I asked you now rather than later because we've been playing this game for too long; chasing each other for too long. The whole thing that happened with Josh scared me, I mean, I really thought I lost you to my brother for a minute. I just couldn't wait any longer," he smiled, looking up at me. "And it will be different this time. I'm not saying that I did the shit I did because of you, because obviously all of that's my fault, but I did do it because I was trying to figure out who I was without you. As it turns out, I'm no one but some rockstar druggie. I don't care how cheesy it is; you complete me. I needed you, and now I have you. I'm not going to fuck it up this time."

"Promise?" I smiled, feeling the ache in my chest fade away.

He stuck out his pinky and I stuck out mine, wrapping them each other.


Miles Apart - Sam Kiszka x OC fanficWhere stories live. Discover now