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"He's gone, Danny," I whispered, holding back tears as I relayed an eerily similar conversation that he and I had already had just mere days ago in the corridors of a hospital.

"Mh-mh, no," Danny huffed, "I can't do this again."

"He's gone. Grabbed his shit, and just fucking-" Sam started, pacing around the living room in a manic outrage.

"But he's done this before, right? When he and Lilli were fighting he just up and left for a bit," Danny tried to rationalize, "He'll come back. He always comes back... You've tried calling him, right?"

"About 20 times over the last hour, yeah. He hasn't picked up," Sam groaned, letting his head fall back as a panicked sigh escaped him.

"I don't think he's coming back this time," I muttered, my voice cracking as sobs threatened to rip through my throat. 

"What do you mean?" Danny asked, getting a little bit closer to me. I held the note in my hand tight, scared that if they read it, they'd never forgive me. 

It was all my fucking fault.

"Bella, what do you mean?" Danny asked again, his voice raising in volume.

"Sh, Danny, the babies," Sam urged, nodding towards the two sleeping boys still sitting in their car seats.

"Bella," Danny said again; more like a warning this time.

"I- fuck," I sighed, crinkling the note under the pressure of my fingertips once more before handing it to Danny.

"What is this?" Sam asked, peering over Dannys' shoulder as they both read it in silence.

"Every time you look at me I see the same hurt I saw in you the day she left. Every time you speak I remember just why she loved you so much. Every single thing here is a constant reminder of her; especially you, and especially the kids. I couldn't stay, Bella. I couldn't do it and I'm sorry," Sam quietly read under his breath. 

"It's my fault," I whimpered.

"Bel..." Sam whispered, half dread and half pity on his face.

"I fought with him before we went to get the boys; told him he was a coward for abandoning us. I-"

"So, you told him to leave?" Danny asked, his eyebrows knitting together before looking up from the note.

"No! God, no, Danny. Why the fuck would I tell him to leave? I told him to do the opposite, if anything," I reasoned, my hands up in defense while my boyfriend continued to pace the room.

"But he left, Bella! Danny yelled, waking the babies in response. Sam rushed over to the boys, kneeling down and softly hushing them to keep them calm, but to no avail.

"He's gone, and you're the only one to blame," he continued.

"Seriously, Danny? It's not her fault!" Sam suddenly chimed in, yelling over the wails of the babies, giving up on trying to silence their cries.

"Are you sure?" he laughed, "Cause I'm pretty positive my best friend would still be here if she hadn't-"

"Are you fucking kidding me?" Sam yelled, stepping in front of me as if to protect me, "It has nothing to do with her, and before he was your friend he was and is my brother, so back the fuck up!"

"Woah," Josh yelled as he slammed the door behind him, a sudden silence falling over us as his eyes scanned the room in shock at the entire situation, "What the fuck is going on? Why were you screaming?"

"Fuck," I drawled out, suddenly realizing that Josh didn't have a clue as to what had happened. 

"Josh," Sam sighed, slowly approaching his big brother with caution.

Miles Apart - Sam Kiszka x OC fanficWhere stories live. Discover now