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hey babies, I just wanted to say thank you so much for 1k. you all mean the world to me <3
HUGE TW: blood, fainting, vomit, miscarriage innuendo

I awoke with a start to the loud ringing of my phone. I lifted my head off of Sam's chest, whom I don't even remember falling asleep on, and picked up the phone.  

"Hello?" I whispered, my voice raspy from sleep. Sam shifted in his slumber, so I covered him up with a blanket to keep him comfortable as a loud scream came from the other end.

"Bella! Help!" a fearful Jake yelled.

"Jake? Are you okay?" 

"No! Josh and Danny are trying to whip their dicks out! How the fuck do I stop them?" he cried. I rubbed my eyes in utter confusion and pain from the wine headache growing behind my eyes. 

"I have no fucking clue what that's supposed to mean, but why don't you just leave, dude?" I groaned. Sam wearily sat up, his half-shut eyes looking at me with concern.

"It's Jake. He says Josh and Danny are trying to..... whip their dicks out?" I explained. The brunette boy next to me furrowed his eyebrows, grabbing the phone from me, and putting it on speaker. 

"Jacob Thomas Kiszka, why are you calling at 3 in the morning? Just fucking leave and let them do whatever the fuck they're doing," he grumbled, wincing in pain from the shared headache.

"I can't leave! Lilli's dying of morning sickness in the bathroom and Josh and Danny are barricading the door in their underwear!"

"Fuck it," I sighed, looking at Sam, "We're on our way." 

I hung up the phone before Sam could protest. He let out a groan, covering his eyes as his head fell against the headboard of my bed.

"Why did you do that?" he whined.

"Cause' Lilli is vomiting in the bathroom and your idiot brothers are running around with their dicks out. Let's go," I sighed, nearly puking as I stood up.

"Hey, hey. You okay?" Sam whispered, rushing to my side. I swallowed hard, nodding.

"I think that drinking a whole bottle of wine was a terrible idea," I chuckled, holding my stomach. Sam laughed, standing up and placing his jacket around me, grabbing my keys off the table and helping me to the door. 

"Let me drive. I don't want you to puke while behind the wheel," Sam said, getting in the driver's seat before I even said yes. He started the car and plugged in his phone, putting on music as I silently tried not to hurl. The recognizable tune of Zeppelin's 'Going to California' rung softly through the speakers. 

"Josh told me it was your idea to play this song at the Gov Ball," I smiled. He kept his face neutral, acting as if he had no clue what I was talking about.

"Oh, yeah?" he mumbled.

"Yeah, but I knew before he told me. You're the only one who knows how much this song means to me." 

He softly smiled, reminiscing on the night he played it for me the first time. His fingers danced against the steering wheel, playing the notes on his make-believe piano. He looked so beautiful; The warm glow of the streetlights illuminating his skin, his hair slightly messy, his lashes delicately balancing the glimmer in his eyes. 

"I remember how hard you cried when I first played it for you. You said no one had ever done anything that kind for you before. I hope that changed, I hope you found people who went out of their way to do things like that for you," he admitted.

"I did. I found you again." 

His smile failed to hide his emotions as he reached over, intertwining his fingers with mine. I closed my eyes and let the song play out, humming along to the bridge. When the song ended, he passed me his phone and let me pick the next song. I scrolled through his playlists, finally finding a song of nostalgia; Milky Way by Neil Young. I pressed play and hoped he'd remember.

"She was lookin' like a friend of mine," I sang along, looking at Sam with expectant eyes. 

"The first time I saw her face," Sam continued, glancing back at me with a knowing smirk. 

"I hoped you'd remember this song," I laughed, playing with the silver band on his finger.

"Of course I do. It was the best night of my life." 

"It was a blowjob in your basement. It couldn't have been the best night of your life," I laughed, queuing up a different song.

"Hm, best blowjob of my life," he hummed. I just chuckled, enjoying the rest of the song.

When we finally pulled into the driveway of the Kiszka home, I saw Josh, pantless, through the window. 

"Are you sure we have to go in?" Sam groaned, staring through the window at Josh and Danny as they tackled each other. 

"Yeah. I need to make sure Lilli's okay," I said, squeezing his hand before getting out of the car. To be fair, I didn't want to go in either. Tensions were thick with the whole 'sleeping with Josh' ordeal, and though Sam and I were working on being okay, I had yet to talk to the brother in question.

The second we made it to the door, Jake opened it, frantically pulling us inside. Danny and Josh were yelling at each other, strings of profanities and incoherent threats ricocheting off the walls.

"You have to get them to stop. This has been going on for three fucking hours," Jake practically begged. 

"Where's Lilli?" I asked, pushing past him. 

"Bathroom," he replied, looking to Sam for guidance. I ignored the mess happening in front of me and rushed across the living room, trying to get to the bathroom. 

"Bella!" Josh screeched, running over to me and grabbing my shoulders.

"Joshua, not now," I stated, trying to walk away.

"No, Bella. I need you to answer honestly," he paused, covering his mouth as if to not vomit. He burped and continued like everything was fine. "Whos dick is bigger, mine or Dannys?"

"I'm not getting involved in this, Josh. Fucking measure them," I demanded, walking to the bathroom.

"Lilli?" I softly questioned, knocking on the door. She didn't answer, so I knocked again. On the fourth time of knocking without a reply, I decided to go in.

I wish I'd gotten there sooner.

Lilli was on the ground unconscious, blood covering her pants. Her lip quivered and her eyes fluttered, but her body remained still.

"Lilli, oh my god!" I whispered, running to her side. I held her hand and she squeezed back, but even as she moved her lips, words wouldn't follow. 

"Jake! Sam! Fuck," I cried, cradling her head. Both of the boys came running, stopping in fear when they reached the bathroom. 

"Don't just stand there! Fucking call 911!" 

I sat there sobbing, my best friend tucked into my body. 

If only I'd gotten there sooner, if only someone would've noticed, if only she wasn't so stubborn as to not say when something was wrong; maybe, just maybe, she'd be okay. 

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