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i see greta in a day guys i'm freaking out
tw: blood
I stayed sat on the couch staring at the door until 5 in the morning waiting up for Sam. I didn't know if I was being possessive, but quite frankly I didn't care. He lied to me, and now he was out doing god knows what with god knows who. I couldn't even go on my phone. I just sat there for hours and stared at my lock screen hoping for a text, or a call, or better yet, him in person in front of me, but the latter failed to happen. It wasn't until Jake gently shook me awake that I realized I'd even fallen asleep.

"Is he here?" I asked, obviously startled and exhausted as I sat up.

"Yeah," Jake sighed, pointing to Sam's bunk. The curtain was drawn tightly shut, a pile of his dirty clothes sat below his bed, and a half-empty beer bottle rattling from the movement of the bus next to his shoes. I stood up and carefully walked over to the bunk, raising my hand to open the curtain but Jake grabbed my wrist before I got a grip on it.

"Don't, Bel. You're exhausted and he's hungover. It's not going to end well for either of you."

"Yeah, you're probably right," I sighed after a moment of consideration.

"Go back to bed. It's only nine and we're traveling pretty much all day, so don't worry about anything, alright? You can talk to him when you're up," Jake softly smiled, giving my shoulder a small squeeze.

"Thank you, Jake," I whispered as I hugged him, crawling into my bunk below Sams before drawing the curtain shut and closing the black-out blinds. I tied my mess of hair into a bun and popped my headphones in, knowing how loud Josh is in the morn- well, all of the time. I closed my eyes once more and listened to the soft serenade of Neil Young's voice as the delicate vibrations of the bus underneath me lulled me to sleep.

I awoke about an hour and a half later to silence in my headphones and a low, worried rumble of voices conversing in hushed tones. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion, grabbing the sweater at the end of my bed and throwing it on before carefully stepping out of my bunk. I tip-toed into the kitchen to see Lilli and Jake harshly whispering at Sam.

"Literally what were you thinking? Seriously, Sam. You can be so fucking stupid sometimes," Lilli muttered.

"Jesus, Lilli. It's not that bad. Can you chill the fuck out?" Sam whisper-yelled back to the very irate girl.

"No, Sam; she's right. You're being fucking stupid. She stayed up til' 5 waiting for you, and you didn't even have the decency to think about her? She's going to be fucking pissed at you," Jake agreed, motioning towards my bunk without turning around.

"What the fuck is going on?" I questioned from behind them. The three of them snapped their heads around, shock and realization setting into their features. Lilli grabbed Jake's hand and pulled him towards the back of the bus, passing me with a small smile.

"Mh, yeah. We're not going to be involved with this. Y'all need to talk," Lilli smiled before slamming the door to the back of the bus, leaving me alone with Sam. I let myself fall onto the couch, my eyes focused on my knee caps as I let my head fall into my hands.

"Bella, I-" Sam sighed, plopping down next to me, "I'm sorry."

"I was worried sick about you, Sam. Where the fuck were you?" I harshly whispered, snapping my head up as he gently placed his hand on my back.

"A few fans invited me out for drinks, I forgot to text you. I'm really fucking sorry, Bella."

"Was it that girl you were ogling over in the audience? You know, the one you kissed?" I dryly chuckled. He sighed and turned to face me, gently cupping my cheek.

"Yes, I went out with her and her friends. I kissed her on the cheek for a photo because she asked me to, and I wasn't ogling her; she had some sick tattoos I was looking at, but honestly Bella, she's not my type," He said, sincerity and concern dripping from his words.

"Bullshit," I snapped, "You were looking at her like you used to look at me."

"God, Bella," he grunted in a momentary frustration as he ran his hand through his hair, "I didn't touch her the entire night, I didn't even go near her, okay? You're the only person I look at like that. You're my type. You're the only one for me, alright?"

I smiled after a moment, coming to terms with how crazy I was being. I knew I could trust him; I knew I was being an idiot, but I loved him too much to let it go. If he cheated on me, if he did anything I could find out from someone else in the future, if he did anything regrettable at all I wanted to know about it just for the pure sake of saving our relationship from the way it used to be.

"Just tell me straight up, okay?" I muttered, avoiding his eyes.

"Tell you what?" He questioned.

"Did you cheat on me?"

"I- uh... well, no. Not exactly," he sputtered. My heart sank as my eyes widened, staring at him with unadulterated shock.

"What the fuck do you mean by 'not exactly,' Sam?!"

"I dunno... I- fuck. I made out with someone," he finally admitted. I felt my eyes gloss over while I tried not to cry, my heart pounding loudly in my chest as I stood up and walked away from him.

"Was it the fucking girl?" I shakily questioned.

"What girl, Bel?"

"You know which one I'm talking about."

"No, I don't, but regardless, I didn't make out with any of the groupies if that's what your asking," he huffed, clearly pissed off at my antics.

"Then who?" I cried, turning around to look at him. He opened his mouth as if to speak, but simply exhaled instead, holding his tongue. "Sam, if you're going to blatantly tell me you made out with someone else, you can at least do me the decency of telling me who."

Sam looked down and pulled out his phone, quickly scrolling through his phone.

"Seriously? You're on your fucking phone? Fuck you," I dryly chuckled.

"No, I-" He started, but was quickly cut off by a sudden scream.

"Bella! Help!" Lilli called from the back of the bus. I glared at Sam once more before running to the back of the bus towards the pleading cries of my best friend.

"Lilli, what the fuck is going on?" I sighed as I walked in. My stare immediately landed on the stunned, wide-eyed girl who sat staring at her pants; her once gray sweatpants stained with splotches of red, "Fuck, not again," I whimpered, covering my hand to my mouth. "Hospital. Now." She nodded as I helped her up, helping her to the car.

"Where's Jake?" I questioned in a hurry, helping her into the passenger's seat of Jake's car.

"I don't know. He went to get food; he could be anywhere. Just... Just get Josh, please. He can get Jake later. I need you to be there with me, Bel," Lilli sniffled. I nodded before turning around and running back to the bus to grab Josh.

"Josh?" I yelled, forcing the front door open and running inside.

"Yeah?" He yelled from his bunk.

"We've got to go to the hospital. Lilli asked for you, okay? We have to go, like, now," I whined, pulling him out of his bunk while he stayed half-lidded in a sleepy daze.

"What? Why?" He groaned in protest, rubbing his tired eyes as he sat up.

"The babies, Josh. Come on, I don't have time to explain!" I yelled, rushing back outside with Josh following closely.

"Bel, what's going?" Sam yelled from the bus.

"Go back inside, Sam. I can't deal with you right now," I snapped, huffing an exhale of anger and worry as I climbed into the car, glaring at the hurt boy who stayed cowered by the bus, slightly regretting how harsh I was being.

"Bella, drive," Lilli cried as Josh got in the car.

"Sorry, sorry. Are you alright?" I said as I began to drive, reaching one hand down to rub her knee caringly.

"I will be. Just drive fast, okay?" She cried. "I can't lose another baby."

Miles Apart - Sam Kiszka x OC fanficWhere stories live. Discover now