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we hit 4k? WTF! thank u bbys i love u all

"Bella, the show starts in 5! Why aren't you in the pit?" My manager, Arthur, yelled through my headset. I broke my lips from Sams, hesitantly pushing him away and running to get my bag.

"No, come back," he whined, reaching out for me from the corner of the room.

"I can't, Sam. Arthur's yelling at me to get into the pit, and you've got to be on stage in less than five minutes. We gotta go, okay?" 

"Okay. Meet me here after the show," he smirked, sweetly kissing me before walking out of his dressing room. 

"Break a leg, baby!" I yelled after him. He turned around and blew me a kiss, smiling as wide as ever.

It had been a month since I got the job as Greta Van Fleets social media coordinator and photographer which was great because two jobs meant double salary, double benefits, and I got to travel the world with my rockstar boyfriend and my four best friends. Lilli was on maternity leave, so she decided to tag along and be with her husband, and Kenzie joined whenever she could. It was truly a dream, just being together. 

As for Sam and me, I couldn't be happier. He entered a two-week-long rehab program right before the tour just for the sake of safety, and I genuinely think he's going to be okay. I've got the old Sammy back now; the goofy, philosophical, and kind Sammy I love so much; the Sammy he used to be before she who shall not be named got in the way. He was truly and entirely invested in life again, and I could finally feel the love I've always felt for him reciprocated back towards me.

"Bella, seriously. Hurry up and get to your camera!" Arthur yelled again, snapping me out of my grateful thoughts. I broke into a jog down the backstage corridor, realizing how little time I actually had to get into position. 

"Bella!" Josh yelled from behind me.

"Hey, Joshy. I've really got to get into the pit, but good luck! I'll see you on the bus after, yeah?" I yelled back in a rushed worry. He nodded and smiled, waving me off before turning to walk on stage. He and I had settled our differences, deciding it was better that we just got along after I sincerely apologized to him for being a shitty friend. He agreed, and now anytime anyone brings up the whole 'sleeping together' thing, we pretend like it never happened; like it was just a rumor.

In summary; life was finally good again. I had my friends- my family back again.

I made it to my position which was just in front of the security fence, the crowd behind me, and my camera in front of me. The opening act was on their last song, so I changed the film and got the camera started, ready to record.

"Hey, you're Bella, right?" A girl said from behind me. I turned around to face her with a smile, nodding.

"Yeah, that's me. What's your name?" I responded.

"I'm Aliyah. It's really nice to meet you. My friends and I are super stoked that you're dating Sam, especially considering everything you did for him after the stuff about his ex came out."

Oh, yeah. I forgot to mention; I got Santana canceled. I guess working in the media has its perks.

"Oh, uh, thank you. You've gotta do what you gotta do for the people you love, right?" I chuckled.

"You're so sweet," Aliyah beamed, "can I grab a picture with you?"

"Absolutely!" I smiled, leaning over the fence and pulling her into my side. I smiled wide as she took the picture, and then took one on my camera too.

"What's your Instagram? I'll send that to you," I said, her face lighting up as I handed her my phone. 

"Thank you! It was so nice meeting you," she nearly squealed.

"Yeah, you too. Enjoy the show, Aliyah," I grinned, giving her a quick hug as the boys walked on stage. 

"I guess I have groupies now," I chuckled at the security guard. He gave a small smile back and I sighed, totally confused and amazed that someone asked to take a picture with me.  

"Hello, Toronto! How are we feeling tonight?" Josh screamed into the mic, scaring the absolute shit out of me as I got lost in my thoughts once more. The audience responded in cheers and howls of admiration, chanting 'Josh' at the top of their lungs. I began filming then, getting as many cool shots of Josh's small opening solo as I could before the rest of the guys joined. Moments later, everyone was on stage and playing out the first chords of Light My Love, and I was entirely captivated by them. I stared up at Sam and his eyes met mine immediately, almost as if he was waiting for my look.

"I love you," he mouthed.

"I love you too," I mouthed back, blushing hard.

Songs fled by faster than I wanted them to and even though I was working, I never wanted the day to end. They were truly magical on stage. As Jake changed guitars, Sam made his way up to me but was quickly distracted by a fan throwing her disposable camera at him. He smiled at me and walked over to the fan, taking a few pictures with her and temporarily chatting with her and her friends. I watched as he hugged her briefly, but as she went to pull away, he kissed her on the cheek. I couldn't help but feel slightly pissed off; even though I knew it was harmless and he was just being friendly, he really didn't need to kiss her like that. Later in the set, another girl who was right next to me asked him to sign her chest, and he did. In the closing act, I saw him looking at the same girl he'd kissed the cheek of. I watched as she winked at him and he winked back, smirking at the obviously very beautiful girl next to me. His eyes wandered her body as if he'd never seen a woman before, as if I wasn't standing right there; as if he didn't have a girlfriend.  I felt the familiar anger of our early relations begin to bubble inside me; the worry, the anxiety, the dread for our future. All of it. 

The second the show ended, I grabbed my camera and headed straight to the bus, not caring to meet Sam in his dressing room like we'd previously planned. I threw my stuff into my cubby and went to the kitchen, grabbing a glass of water. I sat on my phone for the next 15 minutes, waiting for My phone buzzed and I picked it up to see Sam's name illuminate my screen.

Sammy <3: "hey, gonna head to the bar with Josh. be back soon"

I put my phone down and sighed, nearly angry that he didn't realize I wasn't in his dressing room like we'd planned; angry that he didn't care enough to ask where I was. I was sure I was being overdramatic, so I sent back a quick 'ok' and headed to the bathroom to take my makeup off. The moment I shut the bathroom door, I heard the boisterous voice of Josh booming outside the door, followed by Jake and Danny squabbling over something. I left the bathroom and walked into the kitchen to see all three of them chatting on the couches.

"Hey, Josh. Where's Sam? I thought you two were going to the bar?" I asked.

"Mh, nope. I thought he was with you," Josh said, concern overriding his previously smile-ridden face.

"Fuck," I groaned, falling onto the couch next to Josh, "could he be with Lilli? I know she was going to go get take-out after the show."

"Foods here, y'all!" Lilli yelled as if on cue as she walked into the bus, bags of food in hand. Everyone looked at me, and then to Lilli, and then back to me. I sighed, letting my head fall into my hands. The only thoughts in my head were those of unfaithfulness. Was he with that girl from the show? Was he safe? Was he sneaking around with Santana again? I lifted my head and leaned against Josh, worry heavy in my chest. He gave my knee a small squeeze before walking to Lilli to grab his food. She offered me a sub, but I couldn't eat. I'd felt this feeling before, and when Sam and I made it official, he swore to me I'd never feel it again. 

But that's the thing with Sam; he never keeps his promises.

Miles Apart - Sam Kiszka x OC fanficWhere stories live. Discover now