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shit gets very real in this chapter guys... it's not as fun as it seems
to all my lilli and jake (jilli?) shippers, specifically matilde, i apologize in advance
Lilli left soon after the rest of the group did, presumably to break up with her boyfriend so she could be with the man of her dreams, leaving me behind to clean the mess of vomit and clothes from the floor of my apartment. After a deep clean in the living room and my bedroom,  I tackled the bathroom, bleaching the walls of the shower and the bowl of the toilet, not taking any chances after what my best friend and her lover boy did in there.

After cleaning for hours, I decided to hop in the shower, washing the previous night off of me. I washed down every part of me he touched, truly wanting to start fresh, his scent and his touch no longer lingering on my body, though I wished it could. 

"Bel?" Lilli yelled after slamming the door.

"In the shower!" I yelled back. I heard the click of her heels get louder as she walked into the bathroom. 

"Shoes off!" I shouted.

"Sorry," I heard her sniffle. I reached my hand out and she passed me a towel as I turned the water off. 

"Are you okay?" I asked, wrapping the towel around my body. She didn't answer so I pulled back the curtain, revealing a sobbing Lilli.

"Babe, what's wrong?!" I asked, clambering out of the shower and kneeling to be at her seated height.

"I broke up with Anthony. It didn't go bad, but I feel horrible," she cried.

"I know, babe, but you did the right thing," I assured.

"It just sucks. He's a really good guy." 

I wiped her eyes, holding her face.

"Sure, but now you get to be with your soulmate, the man you've wanted to be with since high school. And anyways, Anthony is a stunner. He'll find his soulmate, I promise," I soothed, holding her hand tight.

"You're right. I'm totally in love with Jake, and Anthony deserves better. It was the right thing to do," she smiled, wiping her nose. 

"You're a good person, Lil," I told her, standing up, "Now let's get ready for this party. You need to look good for your man."

"So do you, Bel. What's happening with you and Sam?" she asked, following me into my room.

"We're starting over. No sex, no fighting. Just like we were in high school," I yelled from my closet, changing behind her. 

"The no-sex thing is going to suck for you. You two are constantly eye-fucking each other." 

"Yeah, well, if we actually want to be civil again, we can't let sex get in the way. It's too complicated," I responded, walking into view of her.

"Thoughts on the outfit?" I questioned.

"You look hot as fuck," she smirked, looking me up and down. I was wearing a seafoam green matching set. Both the mini-skirt and the halter neck crop top had sequins lining the outer rims of the items, and I had a pair of white stripper heels on for show as well.

"I got you something," I said after thanking her.


"I was going to give it to you on your birthday, but I figured this would be a good occasion for it," I said, handing her a red, glittery bodycon dress. The straps were gemmed and I knew how amazing it would look on her. She looked at me with so much love in her eyes, I thought she was going to cry. 

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