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By morning the news of Mr huzaif cancellation of his rules have already spread like wild fire, farhana doesn't understand why he will do that she's sure it doesn't have to do with she pleading, maybe her bestfriend do something he always find a way to get her out of any mess but nonetheless she doesn't want to know how and why he changes his mind one thing that it's certain she's never going to be late she will make sure she avoid anything that will make her cross the wrong path with him,
Today she have a single lecture which is unfortunately huzaif's class but it's evening time so she's sure not going to be late ever again

Laying on his bed staring at rotating ceiling fan huzaif has been sulking over his father outburst yesterday, he hate been quarrel most especially from his dad, he do rather be beaten than been yell at it's something he hated since childhood, his bedroom door open and he didn't bother turning knowing it's his mum.

"Honey you are still here?
Come on don't tell me you are still sulking over what happened yesterday." Hajiya jidderh say and sit next to her son on the bed.

"Why did he always do that?
He doesn't love me anymore." Huzaif say dramatically like a little boy making his mum to chuckle.

"Come on Adyan  your dad loves you,
And been nice to people will earn you a good reputation and that's why your dad is worried about your behavior towards others, sometimes the people we hurt now are those we might need help from in the future, your dad and i love you adyan that's why we want the best for you." His mum say smiling at him and he pout but didn't say a word knowing very well she's right but he's sure there's no way in this world he will ever need help from that witch of a girl.

"Stop calling me adyan mum it's a childish name." Huzaif say he always hate when they call him with his pet name it irritate him.

"But you act like a baby,
Look at you all grown up but you still act like my grandchildren,
You are sulking and pouting like kids and you don't want me to treat you like one." His mum say laughing and he smile, yes he love been pet but he's the last born he suppose to enjoy that privilege as much as he want.

"So aren't you going to school today ?" His mum ask and he glance at the wall clock that's showing 4:36pm he have less than 30 minutes to be in the school.

I will leave right now." He say and jump down from the gigantic king size bed making his mum to laugh at his infantile behavior.

"Very good way to behave mature indeed." Hajiya jidderh say standing up and he laugh picking his laptop and lecture notes he jotted earlier.

"Are you going like this?"his mum ask confuse and he node staring at himself in the mirror.

" suit yourself young man,
You are fashionable disaster."hajiya jidderh say and exit the bedroom with her son trailing behind her telling how expensive what he's wearing.

Sitted in the lecture hall farhana look around how it's packed with students, everyone seems to be here earlier than usual probably not wanting to be a victim again.

"Why is he taking so long today?" Farhana ask her bestfriend who's busy with his phone.

"It's still 3minutes before the lectures starts."Ibrahim say with his gaze fix on his phone screen.

Walking briskly toward the lecture hall, he glance at his wrist watch showing he will make it before the 2minutes he pick up his pace, he could here the lousy noise coming from the hall, he quickly climb the pavement and walk inside the hall just a minute before time, he climb up the podium and drop his bag on the chair before turning to look at the now eerie lecture hall, his eyes scan around the hall and he spot the two familiar faces sitting together two seats behind the front role.

"Good evening everyone." Huzaif say with a smile one that look very sinister to anyone who really knows him.

Staring at the man standing up in the podium he's wearing one of those male jogger's and a white quater zip sweatshirt such a weird combination yet it looks soo perfect on the devil reincarnate, farhana avert her gaze to her bestfriend who seems quiet off today,
There's a murmur among the students and farhana wonder what the gossips is all about making her to look up and pay attention to what he's saying.

"So i mull over my decision about not attending my lectures if you missed a class and i think that's soo unfair since you all paid for it,
It's new year and why not new principles so that is why instead of not coming into my lecture hall for a whole semester i decide, in every class of mine i will ask random question to whoever i want failure to give the correct answer attract a minus of 10marks from your semester score, leaving you with 40 marks,
if you miss my class it's another 10mark deduction from your score, leaving you with 30marks, I'm going to give a single test which is the remaining 30% of your semester score if you passed it all i don't know when the test will be it can be any day maybe even today, if you missed my test don't bother come to my class because there's no way you will pass my class without a test, because earning 50 mark in an exam is difficult besides i don't think anyone will score more than a 20 in my exam so you all have to earn at least 40before the exams so it's all up to you and congratulations because i will be taking you physiology class so you aren't all getting rid of me so easily."He say with a slight chuckle and some of the students laugh.

Farhana smile because she do know that's so easy and simple, she will never miss his class ever again, she's sure whatever question he will ask her she will answer it correctly, she's nailing down his test and his exams.

"But sir how are you going to ask everyone of us this random question?" A student ask and everyone murmur in agreement.

"We have 60 to 90 days before exams it's enough time to ask every single person besides there's just 68 of you so don't bother about that." He say smiling which look more like a smirk to farhana.

"Any question?" He ask and there's a tense silence in the class.

Let's start." He say and turn to the whiteboard and scramble the topic on the board with one of the very bad handwriting farhana ever seen making her to silently laugh, such an idiot regardless the outburst he have a terrible handwriting even a 5years old can do better.

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