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Farhana's POV

It's the day before my husband wedding, I am sitting in my bedroom, I have been indoor for the past 3days all i do is cry, eat,sleep and pray it has become my daily routine, I still try to be happy and fake smiles as if everything is normal whenever my husband is around because i don't want him to think I'm against this marriage since that will just be me been selfish and going back to my old ways,
A knock on a door make me look up from the plate of chips I'm eating and I'm suprise is labiba.

"Farhana." She call dropping her hand bag on the bed and sit next to me worried.

Where's zahra ?" I ask about her daughter and she shrug.

"She's at my mum's.
Why did you switch off your phone since yesterday?" She ask and i sigh grabbing the phone that's on the bedside i honestly don't even know it has shut down.

How are you?" I ask plugging the phone with the charger and switch on the switch above the bed and she sigh.

Why are you isolating yourself like this?
Haba Farhana, huzaif has made his choice it's better if you just accept this as part of qadr and be happy,
It's obvious that you are not happy about this, everyone will just be laughing at you most especially him,
This is what he want,
For you to be miserable,
Prove him wrong by smiling and act as do everything is normal,
I know it's difficult but it's the best thing to do." Labiba say as if that's easy and i just sigh flicking the tears that are about the leave my eyes.

"This is all my fault Labiba,
It's my fault, I make him do this,
Had i been a good wife to him all this wouldn't have happened,
I have hurt him several times you all know it, I have give soo much distasteful desires in our relation than love,
Huzaif is even kind enough to forgive me and be with me,
I am responsible for the situation i am in today,
What is soo difficult about forgiveness that i find it hard to do like everyone else,
I love my husband Labiba and it hurt like fucking hell that i have to share him with someone." I say crying as labiba just hug me in a comforting gesture.

"Sabr girlfriend,
With every hardship comes relief,
All this will come to an end eventually,
Nothing last forever, the good thing is your husband is still with you." Labiba say and i sniff.

But i have to share him with another lady, it's painful labiba,
Huzaif really did loved me had i not push him away and show so much hatred to him he wouldn't have done all this, he wouldn't have think about starting a polygamy family,
He's right, it's always my fault,
It has always been my fault." I say and labiba sigh.

"Enough and stop blaming yourself,
He's also an idiot for thinking this is the best way to move on,
Atleast feenah is not mean I'm sure when you get to know her you two will understand each other and get along." Labiba say and i just stay quiet.

"Enough crying,
Come down let's go around for a while, clear up your head before tomorrow." She say and i node standing up.

I drop the plate of chips and decide to shower, once i finish and dressed up labiba and i go out, she took me to a spa and we have all the necessary treatment saying i have to look good for tomorrow because i will be meeting with my rival for the first time,
  by 7pm she drop me at the gate saying she's running late and have to Cook dinner.

Walking to the front porch with a sigh i scan the garage and my husband car is there making me to release a deep breathe and open the front door.

"No, no, no everything have to be perfect." My husband voice echo around the house and i sigh closing the door shut behind me.

I throw my handbag on the couch and sit with a tiring sigh, I remove the Ankara gown I'm wearing leaving me on my underwear, pregnancy sure has a way of making everything uncomfortable, i unclasp the bra I'm wearing and throw it with the rest of my clothes leaving the black singlet I'm wearing as i release a tiring sigh.

"Sure and get back to me immediately." Huzaif voice say as i hear the kitchen door screech, I don't bother turning i grab my handbag and remove the remaining Godiva chocolates and start muching on it.

"Hey babe." My husband say and sit next to me.

"You are back early?" I ask and he humm in response picking one of the chocolates.

I am actually just rounding up with the arrangement for the early morning brunch for tomorrow, I hope you will come." He say hopeful as i glance at him.

Why not,
I can't miss my husband wedding brunch, were is it holding?" I ask turning my gaze to him and he shrug.

"At sabuke estate."
The nikah will hold at a mosque there so we decide to have a brunch before the nikah."he explain and i humm in response, Labiba already told me the nikah is by 11am which i already saw it on the I.V do.

"Good." I say not knowing what else to say as i stare blankly at the television screen, suddenly the tasteful chocolate  tasteless in my mouth making me to release a deep breathe of exhaustion and frustration.

We stay quiet for a while me thinking about tomorrow wondering if i can cope with this massive change.

"Hana." Huzaif call putting his hand around my shoulder and the other on my pregnancy bump.
"I love you, I know this is a big change and I'm very sorry if it hurt you which i know it did,
I care about you and our babies i don't mean any of this to hurt you,
Feenah is a nice girl and i am sure you two will get along please don't take the decision i make to heart and don't blame yourself for any of this,
I didn't do this to hurt you or punish you for the mistakes we both make in the past,
It just happen and may be because everything it's predestine and written as part of our fate." He say and i node with a sniff.

He wipe my tears with his hand and hug me muttering soothing words that just ignite all the pains even more..

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