💕fifty six💕

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Huzaif's POV

"Administer an extra dose of 37.5mg dyloject and sent for an X-ray." I say removing the gloves and discard it into the trash as i exit the ER unit with the nurse trailing behind me.

"What about the little boy with the femoral fractured from ye........." I glance at the nurse who look pretty much absentminded, making me to stop and she collide with me and quickly look up.

"I'm sorry doctor." She say with a tiring sigh as i stare at her.

"Come on sakina,
Everything is going to be fine,
We are all her for you and if you ever need someone to talk to,
you can count on me i promise." I say and she node with a weak smile before quietly walking away.

Turn out working in public hospital is more fun than private, apparently there are rumor's that nurse sakina's husband slept with there maid, I don't really know much because i hardly pay attention to whatever rumours that is going around but no matter how fast you hide in this 8story building and wide hectares wall information reaches you, I don't regret quitting from the previous hospital, sure i miss the exceptional care and luxurious office, but I'm happy working here i learn a lot and people also learn from me, the orthopedic ward is big there are only 6doctors and few residential doctors doing there training, I press the elevator button and patiently wait for it to open as i glance at my wrist watch with a sigh.

"Doctor ." the familiar voice say and i quickly turn.
"You left your phone." She say handing me my phone and i collect muttering a thank you,
   i glance at her, one thing about this hospital is the staffs doesn't really look out for each other everyone pretty much gossip and mind there business.

"Are you sure you gonna be OK?" I ask staring at her and she node with a sniff.

Sakina is the assistant head nurse in the orthopedic ward, she's a brown skin lady probably in her middle 20's she has a reputation of caring about her patients and that's something we have in common.

"Remember if you need someone to talk to you can always count on me,
Take care." I say pressing the elevator button again and the door slide open.

"Thank you doctor." She say with a slight weak smile and i node entering the elevator with a sigh.

I press the groundfloor button and my phone begin ringing making me to quickly turn the screen suprise to see the old lecturer from the university name i slide the answer button and press the phone to my ear.

"Where did you dropped your phone,
Your wife was in labour she's been transported to the hospital."the old woman voice say as the elevator door slide open and i quickly exit.

" which hospital?
Since when?"I ask sauntering out of the hospital building running to the staff parking space.

"I don't remember but they said it's the hospital you used to work at or something like that." She say and i quickly end the call, clicking my car open, I remove the white coat and slip into the car, I pick my phone and there are multiple misssed calls from my mum and elder sister, I start the ignition and drive quickly out of the hospital.

The 15minutes drive seems like an hour to me, quickly parking outside the hospital i run inside the building to the maternity unit, i spot my mum and elder sister i quickly saunter towards them.

"Where have you been you idiot." My mum scold as i node not paying attention to her and quickly saunter to the labor room.

"Take a deep breathe Farhana you can do this, just a little more please." The midwife say as i put on the blue gown and the nurse tie the facemask behind for me.

"Your husband is here,
OK, take a deep breathe for me and push again." The midwife say as i stand above my wife head and grab her hand but suprise enough she swat my hands away making me to sigh.

"Do....don't touch me,
Tell him not to touch me." She yell and the midwife node at me not to.

"The baby is coming,
All you have to do is push a little more." The midwife encourage as i glance at my sweaty looking wife, she's in soo much pain but obviously i can't do anything not even console her or to be there for her during this beautiful tough moment.

"Baby please push a little ha.......I say standing next to the midwife trying to be useful.

" don't tell me what to do,
Tell him to shut up!
I don't want to hear his voice."she yell crying.

"He's not going to speak,
One last push please." The midwife say and my wife give it all then the most beautiful baby in the world comes out.

The midwife ask if i want to cut the umbilical cord and i agreed,
they begin cleaning the crying baby as i walk back to the bed where Farhana is staring at the baby.

"She's beautiful just like you." I say with a smile but she didn't say a word,
She just stare at the other side of the room where they are cleaning the baby i don't know what's going in her head and mind but I'm certain she's happy just i am.

"Your baby ma'am." The nurse say and hand the beautiful wrapped baby as Farhana collect with a smile,
It's the first genuine smile i have seen on her face and I just hope this baby will become a reason i will have my wife back in my life.

After what seems like forever they've clean up and stitches my wife, I come out with the baby,my mum and sister quickly rush to me.

"ohhh Allah she's beautiful,
She looks like you." My mum say admiringly collecting the baby from my hand as i just keep smiling like an idiot.

"Huzaif an zama baba." My sister say smiling at me as a noise from the entrance door gain our attention not suprise that it's Labiba scolding at her husband as he Fumble with the baby bag around his shoulder making us all to chuckle.

"Welcome to the gang dude,
The sleepless night and cleaning diapers." Ahmad say in a whisper in my ear as he smile like an idiot at his wife.

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