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Huzaif's POV
The next 3days pass by pretty much more better than i expected, my wife is perfectly fine and she didn't give me the attitude, she told me she will try and forgive me but it's going to be a gradual process so ,we are going to take things slowly,
  it's friday afternoon, i just got back from mosque and we are just laying on the carpeted parlour floor talking about random stuff, Farhana is terrible when it comes to cooking she told me she was to busy getting angry at her stepmother that she barely spend time in kitchen, we hired this lady that comes every evening to guide her through in the kitchen cooking hasn't always been a fault to me it never for once bothers me if a lady can't cook,
   farhana love playing this PS games i thought I'm good at playing that shit but she's far better than me and it makes me think i suck on that shit.

"I don't know but if I'm the lady i will do much worst than that." My wife say and i laugh.

One thing i observe is that Farhana is a very jealous person, apparently i told her about a man brought to the hospital his wife try decapitating his leg for cheating and all my wife say it's the wife did the right thing.

"What exactly push men to cheat on there wives?" She ask and i release a heavy breathe turning my gaze to her.

"I don't know,
Sometimes the wives pushes them to do such thing i think but.........

" that's nosence there's no excuse to cheating in a relationship if one is tired just say it let everyone go there separate ways rather than cheating that's very disrespectful."she say and sit upright clearly tired of laying all day.

"I would never cheat on you do." I say to clarify things and she stare at me then roar into laughter.

"You better don't do because it's going to end up terrible." She say with soo much seriousness and i sit upright.

"I'm a man of principles Farhana,
My dad married only my mum so what makes you think i will want another woman in my life,
You are more than enough for me." I say staring at her and she node.

"I hear that,
I hope you keep to that promise." She say and i grab her hand.

"I will i promise......." I say and the doorbell rings.

"Are you expecting anyone?" I ask and she shake her head making me to release a tiring sigh.

"I will go answer that." I say and she stand up to.
"I need a cold water." She say and head to the kitchen as i walk to the door.

With a heavy sigh i creak the door open and my mouth drop.

"Kamilah!" I say smiling like an idiot and she node launching me into a hug making me to chuckle and unpinned her from my body.

"When did you come?" I ask as we do our signature greeting.

I told mum not to tell you i want to surprise you." She say making me to chuckle, Kamilah is my cousin she's my mum junior sister's daughter, we are super close.

"Can i come in?
I'm dieing to meet the angel that cope with your lazy ass self." She say and i chuckle.

"Very funny indeed." I say as i grab her suitcase.

"That didn't change the fact that you didn't attend my wedding." I say and she snort.

"I was writing my finals." She say as i slamm the door shut and look up at my wife who's staring confuse in the parlour.

"Ohhh babe this is Kamilah my cousin." I say and Farhana just node, she has her usual distasteful look that makes me press my lips together.

"Hi." Kamilah say trying to subside the awkward tension and Farhana just give her a very bored look.

"Hi." She mutter and head upstairs clearly not interested in whatever it is that is going on, i release a heavy breathe and Kamilah turn her gaze to me.

"Did i do something wrong?" She ask in a whisper making me to chuckle.

Come on let me show you to your bedroom." I say and kamilah node as we both walk the stairs talking about whatever it is we missed about each other.

Farhana's POV
Closing my bedroom door shut i sit on the edge of the bed trying to calm myself, why on earth will he hug his cousin?
Why didn't he tell me she's coming in the first place?
This is exactly why being nice suck i will rather be my grumpy self and ignore all this bothers me than have to deal with this, I grab my laptop from the bedside and my bedroom door creak open making me to look up.

"Farhana it..........

" what is it that you want? "I say almost quickly because his presence right now it's irritating me.

" I don't know she's coming,
She's my cousin and i promise you there's nothing between us."he say and i just stare at him.

"Why didn't i see her on our wedding besides that doesn't change the fact that you hug her." I say and i can see the slight lopsided smile he's trying to hide as he facepalm.

"Kamilah is just a cousin." He say in clarification and i snort.

"Babu aure a tsakaninku ne?
Please don't take my simple kind gesture for guaranteed,
I'm not a very nice person and i don't appreciate strangers in my home." I say and he sigh.

"I can ask her to leave if that........

" so that she will go around spreading awful shit about me to your family members, I will just be honest with you hear i am not going to be friendly or act as if her staying here is something i want."I say and huzaif node sitting next to me on the bed. He grab the laptop from my lap and close it then drop it on the bed.

"Farhana." He say staring at me,
I love you,
I love you soo much that i can't see myself with anyone except you,
I love you even more knowing you are jealous if you see me with any lady it's a positive sign that you care about me and someday you will love me,
I want you to know you are the only person that matters to me,
Kamilah is just a close cousin we grew up together and we used to be close until they relocated, she didn't attended our wedding because she was writing her finals, she come unannounced because she wanted to surprise us I'm sorry about that."he say staring at me, the sincerity in his voice makes me release a heavy breathe and look up at him.

"Fine." Is the only thing i say and he smile.

"Thank you.
I will go get her something to eat do you want to come?" He ask and I shake my head.

"I want to sleep." I lie and he node.

He slightly hug me and exit the bedroom making me to release a heavy sigh, I don't want to be angry at him anymore I'm happy with the way things are turning between us but I'm just not pleased with the idea of a grown up girl staying with us.

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