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Two days pass and farhana hasn't go to school she's been in the hospital with her bestfriend, she feel so sorry for him and want to be there for him,
Turns out Ibrahim was leukemic when he was a child, he beat the cancer and was cancer free after three years of treatment and surprisingly his cancer is now back it was a very big life changing news for the family most especially his parent,
But Ibrahim seems pretty much calm.

"Aren't you going to school?" Ibrahim ask farhana who's sitting on a chair at the corner of the hospital room.

"I told you i spoke with Mr huzaif and he was fine with me not attending his class for the main time, besides i missed school for just two days, and there's no point in going today, it's Friday,
so I will go on Monday." Farhana say with a smile and Ibrahim smile with a chuckle at her.

"I spoke with my mum yesterday and she was saying i will go back to the UK to stay with my uncle so i can receive proper treatment or something." Ibrahim say and farhana look up at him, she knows she don't want him to go but that will just sound very selfish.

"That's good,
Besides it's a good idea since they have your previous medical history they will know what to do best,
I will miss you do." Farhana say with a smile and Ibrahim chuckle.

"I'm not going farhana,
Why do i have to spend my life in a hospital, if I'm going to die at least let me enjoy my freedom before time rather than been stuck in a white building." Ibrahim say and farhana sigh.

"Come on IB.
You beat this when you were a child,
I'm sure you will do same now, it's just a couple of month and you will be alright,
Besides I will come and check on you once in a while, we will video call and you will be fine before you know it." Farhana say and Ibrahim facepalm with a sigh.

"She wants me to leave on Sunday." Ibrahim say and farhana try to hide her disappointment.

"That's great,
The earlier you go the faster you will get treated and come back." Farhana say with a weak smile as Ibrahim stare at her worriedly he feel genuinely bad for his bestfriend he knows she's very terrible at making friends its takes two years for him to gain her attention in , she's a very mean introverted being but above all she's a wonderful person if you get to know her.

"I will miss you." Farhana say with a weak smile staring at her bestfriend and he chuckle.

"Me too.
But do you know the best part of it?
I'm going to be back soon." He say with a smile and farhana smile.

The two spend the evening talking mostly farhana telling him about some of her family members that lives there including her grandparents, by the time evening comes by Farhana bid her bestfriend goodnight and leave the hospital wondering how she's going to cope in the school without the very person she do always turn to when things get rough.

When people say times fly farhana never takes it serious the Monday morning is a very bored one to her,
With her bestfriend miles away from her she feel so lonely, after her bestfriend left yesterday she came back from the airport and literally locked herself in her bedroom, Farhana cry not because her bestfriend is leaving for a while she cry because she believe the only person that genuinely care about her isn't close to defend her and scold her if she did what isn't right, she feel so alone and lonely, her phone beep and she pick it from her bed.

"Hey look at you." Her bestfriend head pope in the phone screen making her to chuckle.

"It's Monday morning.
Mr huzaif bored class." Farhana say and hook the phone beside her wardrobe as she rummage through it to find something to wear.

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