💕twenty seven💕

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Farhana POV

And I believe
Yes, I believe
I'm falling for you like a thief
Weak in the knees
'Cause when I see you
I fit to steal the keys to your heart again." I sing baby riddim by fave the very music I'm now getting too addicted to, I'm currently arranging my stuff my dad ask me to be back home saying i can't stay away from them forever nevertheless i miss him so I'm excited to be home, the bedroom door open and my great grandmother comes in she have this smile that makes me give her a questionable look, I turn off the music and she chuckle.

"Uhmmm Farhana,
I guess you've already hear the news then this one you are listening to music and looking all happy." My great grand mum say making me to chuckle.

"Ofcrse I'm happy i want to go home,
I'm tired of living with you and your husband boring lives." I say and she chuckle.

"Uhmmm so i say let me start gossiping to you about it before your grandfather will call you and tell you." She say making me to look up at her, I put the last clothe in the suitcase and zip it close.

"What is it?" I say and sit tiredly on the bed and she sit next to me still smiling making me to chuckle.

"If you continue smiling at me like this i will run out of this room and call your husband because this is unusual." I say making her to laugh.

"Ofcrse it's unusual,
I'm going to witnessed my great grand daughter's wedding." She say and i laugh.

Who's getting married?" I ask and she give me a playful glare.

"Stop pretending as if your boyfriend didn't tell you his father is coming to speak with my husband about you two." She say and I chuckle still confuse.

"Can you please be straight forward for once." I say with a tiring sigh.

"huzaif father and his relatives are here to discuss about your wedding date." She say excitedly and my mouth drop.

"Wedding date?" I say and she give me a confuse look.

Didn't he tell you about it?
His dad came previously within the week i think same day his wife came to check on you, they talked about the wedding and his dad told your grandfather he will come back with his relative to discuss,
they are here." She say excitedly and i feel like a sharp knife has been stab in my heart.

My great grand mum continue rambling about wedding as I smile awkwardly at her not knowing exactly what to say.

"Let me leave you to finish arranging your stuff." She say and exit the bedroom making me to push the suitcase off the bed in frustration, i
Kick and match the stupid suitcase as if it is to be blame for the problems going on in my life.

I seriously can't believe this is happening, why did elders think they have the right to make decision about your own life, I'm not going to marry that idiot that got me kicked out of school, I respect his family and all but this is overly unacceptable.

Huzaif's POV

"Why are you nervous it will go well." My bestfriend say as i sigh tiredly in the car.

"Why didn't dad allow us in,
He still treat me like a toddler." I say frustrated and my bestfriend chuckle turning his phone screen to my face as his wife make this weird faces at me.

"Allah yasa a kora maganan auren
I pray Farhana refused and tell everyone what yih did." Labiba say and i fling the phone from my face making my bestfriend to chuckle.

"This is not funny." I mutter and he still bring the phone screen to my face making me to sigh.

"Smile for your god daughter's mother haba, fine Farhana will agree and wedding preparation will start soon." My bestfriend wife say and i give her a bored look i wishe i can get rid of both she and her husband.

I turn my attention back to the door where my dad and my uncles go in,
I have never been anxious in my entire life, do I'm yet to tell the old man what i did but i promise my dad i will do that soon, my uncle suleiman is the first to come out, then my dad follow by two of my uncles then farhana's great grand dad and two other unfamiliar faces, as they walk to the garage i feel my heartbeat accelerating do from the smile on everyone face i know it's good mews but i can't help but feel like fainting.

"Come out let's greet the old man." I whisper yell at my bestfriend who's still on video call with his wife, he quickly drop the phone and we come down from the car.

"Good evening." We both greet in unison as farhana's great grand father face light up when he sees me making me to smile.

Why didn't you come in?
How are you doing?" He ask as he gesture for us to stand up.

"Alhamdulilah." I mutter and my dad and my uncle climb into there car as me and my bestfriend wait behind.

"You can come in,
Farhana is about leaving to her parents house maybe you can drop her off." He suggest and like the stupid person he is my bestfriend nudge me wiggling his eyebrow at me as i concentrate to the old man walking in our front.

"Ok." I say and he urge us inside a parlour it differ from the one we stay in with my sister.

"Make yourself comfortable." He say and walk through a glass door making me and my bestfriend to relax.

My phone beep and i remove it from my pocket a message pop from my mum and i click it open.

Your dad just called me they say 3months from now, I'm excited be back home soon, Abla is also coming over.

I reread the message and chuckle before putting the phone back into my pocket.

"They say 3months from now." I whisper to my bestfriend and he smile wiggling his eyebrow at me.

"I can't wait, let me call labiba." He say removing his phone from his pocket and the glass door screech open gaining our attention and it's her,

My fiance or should i say wife to be, she's wearing a royal blue velvet long sleeve gown, the veil perfectly roll around her face and she's holding a tray with fruits and whatsoever but my attention is more focus on the Lady that captivated my heart and infected me with her love.

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