💕fourty eight💕

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Huzaif's POV

Two weeks passed and my wife isn't back from her parents house i have gone there several times without number but i can't even see a glimpse of her, I went to her grandfather and he tell me to stay calm and exercise some patience that she will be back but i think otherwise, Farhana hasn't tell anyone of her family members about what really happened, all they think was that i am taking a second wife and she got upset about that, it breaks me more that everyone thinks I'm the victim it hurt me soo badly that i did this to her after what I have previous make her gone through,
I usually work for 12hours to pass time , 24/7 I'm always at the hospital my mum doesn't even wants to see me,  every single of my family member is upset with me.

"Yo bro." My office door open making me yo release a heavy deep breathe as i look up with a tiring sigh.

"What the hell,
Shave those damn beard dude,
You look like.......I don't know but you look like you are in a lot of problem." My bestfriend say and sit on the chair.

"Where's labiba?" I ask wanting to start a conversation, I'm literally bored this days, I spend the day talking to patients and working.

"I took her to your wife house and decide to come check on you." Ahmad say like the good friend he is and i sigh, obviously Ahmad know the truth.

"Do you have to marry Kamilah?" He ask and i node.

"It's not something i have a choice or say in it/." I say and Ahmad sigh.

"What are the possibility that you won't get married to her?" He ask and I shake my head.

"0% possibility,
It was the genotype but my elder sister told me kamilah said she's AA,
Her dad won't even let us have the test here for confirmation he knows I'm gonna temper with it,
We had the test yesterday and we're waiting for the result do,I'm AS." I say with a tiring sigh of exhaustion I don't know what hospital it is someone just collected my sample and left.

"Oh boi,

" I  saw Farhana today she look worst than you, she isn't handling things well, life can never be easy dude,
Do you are also at fault,
If the affair didn't repeat itself this wouldn't have happen."Ahmad say and i node.

"Kamilah is a witch." Is the only come back i can find and he slightly chuckle.

"Karma is working dude,
So I have a good suggestion that can possibly make your wife calm down." Ahmad's say and i look up from the table.

"What is it?" I ask suddenly interested more in the conversation.

"Well." Ahmad say adjusting on his sit.
"Isn't there any chances that your wife can go back to school?
I mean there must be a sort of way out." Ahmad say and i shake my head with a sigh.

"There's not Ahmad,
It's either me jeopardizing my whole career and admitting that i did all of that which in my opinion nobody will believe me." I say and Ahmad stare at me.

"There was this same case last 5years that a student sue the school because of similar thing to your wife, obviously the court order the school to give the student the exam again." Ahmad say and begin explaining some boring law stuff things making me to sigh.

"Ahmad." I call and he shrug keeping quiet.

I thought you could do something that will make her, you know, have slight pity on you." He say with a shrug.

What do i need to do?" I ask and my bestfriend smile.

I listen as Ahmad go ahead explaining how he's going to do whatsoever, I don't get a thing he's saying but everything is worth a shot do.

Farhana's POV!

"Come on Farhana,
You can't let this idiot ruine your marriage you are happy, I understand huzaif is an idiot but giving up isn't the best option." Labiba say as she eat the rice i brought for her.

"Labiba if my grandfather with his white beard has given up on this i think you should to because I'm not going back,
Kishiya " no i just cannot share, huzaif is just an idiot he doesn't have a single respect for me to sleep with that girl right under my nose in thesame roof."I say still trying to process things and labiba sigh.

"I know it hurt,
But for instance will you atleast go back if he isn't going to marry her?" Labiba ask and i snort.

"Does it matter?
I mean the wedding has been fix,
Labiba to be honest with you,
Single feeling towards huzaif i don't have, all that perish, all i have for that man is a heavy,strong distasteful desire that is never going to change wether or not he marry kamilah." I say seriously and labiba stare at me.

"Huzaif care about Farhana,
He's an idiot for doing what he did but he really do love you,
Men sometimes behave like idiots."she say with a sigh and i just shake my head.

" I'm not going back Labiba. "I say in finally and she node.

" fine,
Let's discuss something else."she say as i sigh excusing myself to the bathroom and splash some water on my face.

"Is everything OK?" Labiba ask and i shake my head with sigh.

"Nothing i say grabbing my phone from the bed as the familiar pack fall off the bed making labiba to pick it.

" Misoprostol?she say and glance at me as i just go through my phone.
"You had an abortion?" She say as i feel her gaze penetrating at me really baffle and i didn't answer her.

What did this baby did to you that you will blame it for huzaif's mistakes,
I'm really disappointed in you." She say like my mother and i drop my phone with a sigh.

"I don't want anything to do with huzaif labiba,
I don't want to be married or give huzaif a second chance,
I want a divorce and if anyone will find out I'm pregnant that won't happen, getting rid of the baby was the only option." I say really unaffected or regretting what i did.


" labiba please.
Huzaif has make his decision and i make mine,
I don't want to be married to him,
I hate him and that is never going to change. "I say periodly and labiba sigh.

Huzaif don't think twice before cheating, I don't want to have a baby with someone like him, I grab the pack from my bed and cut it into pieces with a scissors and throw it into the trash in my room.
I really don't have a single regret on what i did.

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