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Pushing her son bedroom door hajiya jidderh scan the dark quiet bedroom,
She switch on the light and sigh.

"Adyan."she call walking to the bed where he's laying down, he literally cover himself with the duvet if she doesn't know him so well she do think he's asleep.

Staring at the white paint wall huzaif thought about how callous he's been to her since highschool, he was young and stupid back then but why didn't he make the right decision now since he's no longer young, maybe everyone was right about him, he's just a selfish narcissistic pampared ill-mannered mama's boy, he wishe that he can turn back the hands of clock and go back in time to rectify his mistakes but alas the harsh reality is that he will just have to face the consequences of his mistakes, he's been indoor since he came back from school yesterday afternoon he doesn't want to even think of how his father is going to react to this but regardless whatever he won't judge his dad anger because he deserve it.

" Adyan."hajiya jidderh call worriedly sitting on the edge of the bed and place her hand on her son face making him to release a heavy breathe and place his hand on hers.

"You need to eat,
You've been laying here since yesterday afternoon, you haven't ate your dinner last night and it's past 11 in the morning." His mum say worriedly and huzaif just sigh and place his head on his mum lap making her to sigh.

"It's not your fault Adyan,
You've try your best to stop it from happening you can't do more than your best." Hajiya jidderh say with a sigh, sure what her son did was wrong but he tried and maybe it's part of farhana's qadr the media doesn't help with how they keep on painting farhana like a dull girl trying to manipulate her way to pass her exams by cheating.

"It's my fault mum,
It has always been my fault and I feel really guilty right now,
Do you think she will ever forgive me?" Huzaif ask the disturbing question that has been bordering him.

"She will huzaif,
Maybe not so soon but with time,
Sometimes we don't forgive we learn to live with it and move on,
What happened to her is a really big thing Adyan, imagine how effortlessly she work for 3years only for that to be all a waste." Hajiya jidderh say sighing as she pick the comb from the bedside and begin combing her son hair.

"Give her time,
If you try to apologize now it will rather upset her." She say with a sigh and huzaif humm in response.

He thought about what life could have been if she never mention those word to him in the school field.

"Did you always hate her?" Hajiya jidderh ask the question that has been bothering her, sure her son has issue with bullying but he never pick on girls then why did he do that to farhana.

"I never hate her mum,
I'm just terrible when it comes to dealing with emotions or maybe it's me trying to convince myself that i hate her when in reality i don't." He say with a heavy sigh making his mum to slightly touch his cheek.

"I care about you huzaif,
If you need someone to talk to you can always confide in me,
I know this is a difficult time for you but you just have to face it,
Mistakes happen and we learn from it,
I deeply care and feel sorry for farhana do i just met her just yesterday but she seems pretty nice and the thought of her going through such pain because of your mistake hurt me alot ." hajiya jidderh say and huzaif hold her hand placing a gentle kiss on the back of her hand making her to smile.

"I love you mum." He say not knowing what else to say, maybe farhana is right in the processs of hurting others we end up hurting ourself  the most.

"Get up and take your shower so you can eat your lunch since you skip breakfast." His mum say and he smile.

He sit upright with a sigh as his mum remove the duvet from his body making him to sigh, he stand up and stretch his body making his mum to chuckle.

"Can i ask you a sincere question and promise me you will give me a genuine answer?" His mum say and he node.

"Did you love her?" Hajiya jidderh ask staring at her son who facepalm with a sigh.

"I.....huzaif don't get to finish his sentence the door to his bedroom barge open interrupting them as they both turn  gaze to the door.

" da......huzaif try saying but his dad give him a one sound slap making him to stagger back and hit the large drawer by the mirror.

"You are an embarrassment to me,
I feel so ashamed to call you my son since you are capable of such despicable act." Alhaji Ahmad say and raise his hand to slap his son again but his wife is quick to grab him.

"Haba my one.
This boy already regret the consequence of his action,
He know what he did was wrong and he try his best to stop this thing from happening." Hajiya jidderh say and her husband jiggle his hand out if hers.

You are the reason behind this boy petulant behaviour, he's never wrong in your eyes and that is why after the chaos and stupid thing he did to make sure he kicked that girl out of the school you still sit here comfortably pampering him as always." He yell at his wife who stare speechless at him before turning his gaze back to his son who's still standing by the mirror with his hand place to his cheek.

"You are going to tell everyone what you did,
I don't know how you are going to make this right but you must make it right, you selfish inconsiderate being." He say and turn to leave the bedroom but stop by the door.

"Thanks to you,
She's now laying unresponsive in the hospital bed." Alhaji Ahmad add before exiting the bedroom in anger.

She's laying unresponsive in the hospital bed that word keeps playing in huzaif head until he feel the gentle touch on his shoulder.

"This is all my fault mum,
If something happen to her i will never forgive myself." Huzaif say and his mum just embrace him, she know just how much he need that hug Right now,
  her son may be surly and emotionless but she knows behind the ill-manner apathetic grumpy man is a fragile gentleman wanting to be loved and care for so badly.

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