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Huzaif's POV
2days after the wedding my wife and i haven't exchange a single word, we clash most of the time in the dinning table and we both eat in silence then part ways, today i wake up to a very loud noise, switch on the bed side lamp and glance at the alarm clock.

"11am." I say to myself and come down from the bed, i creak open the door and the loud music around the house makes me furrow my brow in confusion, I mean who does that loud music by this time of the day, I walk down the stairs and stop midway staring at my wife, she has a plastic bowl with her as she cut whatever it is inside with her gaze on the tv screen .

I release a heavy breathe and clear my throat to make my presence known but with the loud music i doubt she will hear me, I walk to the parlour and she quickly turn glance my way and turn back to peelingvthe orange in the bowl.

"Farhana." I call and she just seem pretty much concentrated on the music than me, I sit on the couch staring at her and sigh tiredly, I grab the remote from beside her and turn down the volume she just quietly peel her orange making me to sigh.

"For how long are we going to keep doing this, I know i hurt you and i have apologize several times without number, what else do you want me to do i known this marriage was unplanned to you but it happen and maybe God has a reason for making it happen.........

" God.
It's funny to hear something like that coming out of your mouth, i mean after all the despicable things you do to me I thought you don't believe in God, let's make something clear here you and i can never be a couple if that's what you are trying to say, I don't love you and that is never going to change, if you get tired you can divorce me it's not like you are enjoying living with me."she say and i just stare at her.

"Can you atleast give me a chance?" I ask and she turn her gaze to me.

"No." She say as the doorbell rings making her drop the bowl on the couch, she stand up making my gaze to pry on her she's wearing a long short sleeve red gown i turn my gaze back to the television screen with a heavy sigh.

My dad is here." Her voice pierce through the parlour as she open the door widely to the familiar man making me to stand up from the couch.

"Aabbah." I say as we exchange handshake with the man, he's pretty much civil the last time i kneel to greet him he got upset.

What's with the morning visit." My wife ask as she surprisingly sit next to me and grab my hand entwining our fingers making me to glance at her a little confuse but go with the flow.

"I'm fine,
How are you two,
I'm going home your grand dad left yesterday we were suppose to leave together but i didn't clear some things at the office." He explain and my wife node.

"Let me get you something to eat." My wife say standing up.

"Just a glass of water will be fine," he say and she leave.

"Hope you are treating my daughter good?" He ask and i node.

"Yes sir." I say with a smile as Farhana comes out with two glass of water she hand one to her dad and the other glass to me.

"Thank you." I say and she smile then sit next to me.

"You should go visit grandpa Amir,
He will be happy to see you two." He say and drop the empty glass on the table beside him.

Huzaif and i are actually discussing about it, we thought maybe in the evening after maghrib." She say and i node.

That's good i need to get going my flight is an hour time." He say standing up, Farhana stand up grabbing my hand immediately and placing it around her waist.

"How long are you staying dad?" She ask as we trail behind him to his car.

"3weeks max.
I'm not very sure." He say as my wife wave slightly at the driver.

We bid goodbye and wait until the car disappear out of the gate, she quickly remove my hand from her waist as we both quietly walk back inside the house.

Farhana's POV

Have you hate to do something so badly but you just have to do it for a significant reason, as we walk out of my grand father house huzaif has he hand entwined with mine as we walk to the car, the visit to my grandfather house is a quick one since we left home late almost 9am thanks to me and my sluggish way of doing things,
He open the passenger door for me and i slip in, I watch as my grandfather speak to him probably about whatsoever and after a while he walk back to the car and slip into the driver sit.

"Can we check on my be...

" I'm tired beside we plan on coming here let's just head home,
I'm not ready for this."I grumble and he sigh maneuvering the car out of my grandfather house.

He take a much more shorter route to the house and it's not up to 20minutes we find ourself home, I quickly walk out of the car and head straight to my bedroom i need to bath and sleep pretty much exhausted.

I spend my time in the bathroom removing all the stress out of my body letting the warm water hit my body, once I'm done i step out of the bathroom and there's a knock on my door i don't get to answer he literally barge into the bedroom, I turn to my wardrobe rummaging through it for a nightwear.

"Uhmmm i bring you this." He say and i turn, I adjust my towel and walk to the door and snatch the envelope from him, I quickly open it hoping to be my divorce paper and then
Admission into a university, I angrily squeeze the paper and tear it into the 4 pieces throwing it into the trash next to the door.

"I don't want your stupid admission huzaif, i don't want you or anything that will come out from your stupid self." I yell and he facepalm with a sigh as he glance at my body slightly licking his mouth.

"Farhana you will have to go to school eventually, are you going to give up on your dreams because of what happened?" He say staring at me and I look at him baffle.

"The dreams you shattered into pieces,
Huzaif you are the reason i can't accomplished my dreams,
Just leave my bedroom please." I say and push him out of the bedroom closing my door shut with the lock.

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