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Laying quietly on her bed, farhana silently cry on her bed, by the time it's evening the news already circulate the entire school and internet "final year student caught cheating in exam hall"
"School to expel final year student for malpractice" all sort of stupid headline with alot of lies written below, how her picture from the exam hall leak it's something she don't even understand, she has gain alot more followers on social media some sympathising with her while other's throw all sort of insultive words at her.

"Farhana." Her dad call entering the bedroom, he was at the office and the school called him,
Armaan knows his daughter wouldn't do something like that, she's a smart kid and will never cheat to pass.

"Sorry princess, everything it's going to be fine." Armaan say and sit her upright,
he wipe her tears and hug her muttering all sort of soothing words to her ears, after what seems like forever Farhana keep quiet.

"I didn't do it dad." She say with a sniff and Arman node.

"I know baby.
The school are still investigating the issue, everything it's going to be OK." Armaan say with a weak smile.

The two spend the evening together in the bedroom with her dad telling her about his own struggles during school.

Eating his dinner on the dinning table huzaif find himself thinking alot  more about what he did, Farhana face won't stop popping into his head,
He's indeed very selfish, he feel guilty and responsible the fact that the school authority are looking forward to expelling her makes him feel so stupid for making such rash decision without thinking,
  he's not a social media person but his bestfriend called to let him know that it's all over the internet he even send some few screenshot for him , the comments where very horrific people can be soo mean and inconsiderate.

"Adyan are you alright?" Hajiya jidderh ask worriedly as she sit on the chair next to her son who's nibbling on his food.

"Should i feed you?" She ask worriedly, he smile weakly and shake his head with a sigh.

He deliberate on telling his mum but decide to keep quiet he's surprise she hasn't come across it on the internet yet, the parlour door barge open making both him and his mum to turn abruptly to the door.

"Huzaifah." His dad thunderous voice echo around the parlour as he scan the parlour and finally spot him on the dinning table making him to dash towards them.

"My dear is everything alright?
What did he do?" Hajiya jidderh say worriedly as she stand up to stop her husband from doing what ever he's about doing, alhaji Ahmad was very quick enough to slap his son on the cheek.

Huzaif just sit on the dinning table as two more slap land on his cheek,
He already knows what the anger it's about but that doesn't mean his dad will have to slap him because of her, hajiya jidderh hug her son face to her body protectively.

"What is all this about?
Do you want to kill him?
Whatever it is he do doesn't mean you will just justify him without hearing his own side of story." Hajiya jidderh say still hugging huzaif face protectively.

"This boy.
He got the girl suspended,
What is wrong with you?
Where have i gone wrong in your upbringing?
This is all your fault, yours alone jidderh,
you are the one who spoil this boy and he doesn't treat anyone with respect let alone differentiate between right and wrong." Alhaji Ahmad thunderous voice echo around the house.

"Which girl are you talking about?
Huzaif tell me " yi hakuri kafada mum" what happen?"hajiya jidderh say worriedly and sit next to huzaif as she slightly soothe his now bruise cheek.

"It's farhana.
She was caught cheating in the exam hall and now dad want to blame me for it, just because i don't like her doesn't mean i will do something like that,
I wasn't even in the exam hall when it happened." Huzaif grumble and his dad snort.

You are a lier huzaif I gave birth to you and you will do the right thing,
This girl is an A grade student everyone in her school testified that,
She would never do such thing,
You did something,
I'm very sure of that and it's either you make this thing right or huzaifah " wlh ko na lahira said yafika sakewa" alhaji Ahmad say and turn to leave.

"Why do you even care?
I'm your son for goodness sake,
Why do you have to always support that distasteful girl,
All you ever do is yell at me unnecessary about what doesn't even make sense,
You find it difficult to believer or trust me.
I didn't do anything wrong and I don't care if she got suspended or expelled." Huzaif say angrily at his dad, he know what he did was wrong but why will his dad have to always believe strangers rather than him, he's his son and he supposed to trust him.

"Theday you do the right thing i will trust and believe in you and until then you and I will always be against each other,
I don't care whatever it is but you will make this right because you create this mess,
so fix it." Alhaji Ahmad say and head upstairs fumming with anger.

Hajiya jidderh hug her son as she continue whispering soothing  words to his ear.

"Did you do it adyan?" Hajiya jidderh ask once she break the hug.

"Yes mum,
I was upset she keeps on been arrogant, but i feel sorry about everything." Huzaif say as he go on and explain to his mum about how he and his bestfriend where on there way to the hall but it was too late.

"It's ok my baby." Hajiya jidderh say with a weak smile, she's upset with him but at thesame  glad that he was quick to understand what he did was wrong and even take a positive step to try to stop it.

"Is there anything you can do to help her out?" Hajiya jidderh ask and huzaif keep quiet.
"For me please, I know you always figure out solution to problems." His mum say with a smile with her hand into his full afro hair.

"I will try but i won't make promises," huzaif say sulking and his mum chuckle.

"OK baby.
I will go now to calm my grumpy husband, you take care of yourself." Hajiya jidderh say placing the Icebag on her son cheek making him to grumble, she kisses him on the forehead before heading upstairs.

Huzaif sigh and push the plate of his dinner away, food it's least of his problem this moment,
   he is upset with everyone right now everyone except his mum, as bad as he want to be angry and blame Farhana for upseting his dad he can't because right this moment he feel something he never believe he will ever feel toward anyone let alone the very girl he hate, it's an unfamiliar uneasy stupid feeling he can't control.

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