💕sixty four💕

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As the weeks fold to several months the couple struggle to keep there marriage alive, but no matter how hard they try, no matter the effort and time they both invest in there marriage they both can feel the emptiness of the chemistry and emotions in there love life,
   As her husband struggle at work place trying to battle with his emotions which he isn't very sure wether the void he feel towards the nurse is even there anymore,
His wife struggle to remain a faithful good and devoted wife, it's a difficult struggle for both of them,some days Farhana will spend the day indoor crying and asking the Almighty to ease the pain and bring a solution to there loveless marriage, she could see her husband struggling as much as she does,some days he could stay up all night reciting the holy Qur'an probably seeking answers just like she does every day with her forehead in her prayer mat,
  she's done with her final exams which the result is out she cleared them all, with the graduation a few weeks ahead her husband bought her all the lavish gift any wife could ever dream of but all that doesn't matter because all Farhana want is that love, the emotions and chemistry her husband has always have toward her.

Like any other day she's finish arranging the lunch on the dinning table and head upstairs to check on there little girl that's sleeping, she still cannot believe in 5days time she will be a year old, do ummi still battle with some health issue but she's receiving every necessary treatment to keep her healthy, Farhana undress the little girl and drop her on the floor of the beautiful decorated pink bedroom with a sigh.

"Ummi i will be back,
Let me get your food." Farhana say and exit the bedroom skipping down the stairs.

"You are back." Farhana say with a smile entering the kitchen as her husband close the fridge.

Decide to come spend some time with the two important ladies in my life." He say and farhana humm in response as she grab the cereal box from the cabinet.

Huzaif stare at his wife as she make the baby food, he's trying soo badly every day to be happy and make sure his wife is happy but it's just too difficult ever since the sakina incident everything changes, he even quit his job at the hospital and find another place but there are something's in life that no matter how hard you try to make it work it doesn't just work, the feeling or whatsoever infatuation he has toward sakina has perish or buried somewhere in him that doesn't exist anymore, the fact that sakina has also goes back to her husband is a big wake up call for him but nonetheless  huzaif knows his marriage life is as empty as a dry ocean, no love, chemistry or anything, they have even go for marriage consoling but all effort to bring there marriage back to life has failed.

Can we talk." Huzaif ask and farhana look up from the bowl in her hand with a weak smile.

"About what huzaif?
About why and how our marriage become sore without us knowing?
You and I both know that we've try,
I care about you huzaif, I adore you I......Farhana stay quiet and release a deep breathe speechless.

" then what happen to us?
Why is this happening to us?
To me, to you we are a f.........

"What else can i know do Huzaif,
Everything was fine until you started having feelings for that nurse,
It changes everything." Farhana yell and breakdown.

"Hana you know that is not true,
Sakina doesn't have anything to do with our marital problem." Huzaif say and farhana snort.

"Then who's fault is it?
Me for been unforgiven and making you fall in love with the nurse or
You for cheating on me with your cousin and making our relationship become sore to the point i have to treat you the way i did." Farhana say crying making her husband to facepalm with a sigh.

"I don't know!
It has always been my fault that's the problem with you,
You think everyone else is wrong except for you alone,
Can't you see how hard this is also on me, you are my wife Farhana and i love you." Huzaif say frustratedly throwing the glass cup in his hand in anger as he grip his head with a tiring sigh.

"Then prove to me that you love me,
Prove to me that i am the most important thing to you as you always say, prove to me Huzaif,
Show me." Farhana yell back at her husband making him to sigh.

I am faithful to you Farhana but it's obvious you don't have a single trust in me, all my life i have loved and cherish you but you just don't seem to understand, that anger, distrust and distasteful desires is still inside you,
Forgiveness hana we don't say it in word we say it from heart and let it go but everything is different with you,
All this time look you still don't let go what happened between me and kamila,every time you bring it up,
It hurt me I'm a human and i make mistake, I own up to it and all i ask is forgiveness from my wife." Huzaif say with soo much frustration as Farhana stare him in the eyes.

The bitter thing about what her husband says is that he's right, every single thing he say he's right, she know she say she forgive him but did she really do? Every day she ask herself same question,
Did she really forgive him or did she do all that because of there baby and for her to ease the guilt of what she's done to the pregnancy,
huzaif is never the problem in there marriage it's her, it has always been she but he still tolerate her, why did she find it soo difficult to forgive?

I'm sorry." Huzaif say tiredly and disappointed in himself for been so emotional.

"You are right." Farhana say with a sniff and pick there baby bowl of food and exit the kitchen with huzaif trailing behind her.

"My love I'm sorry." Huzaif say trailing behind his wife as she enter there baby's room and slam the door on his face making him to sigh.

"I'm an idiot." He say to himself smacking his face and he hear his wife screaming from the bedroom.

"Hana!" He yell banging aggressively on the door
"Hana" he yell banging the door with extra force and it open.

Removing her daughter lifeless body from the tub Farhana yell the little girl name as huzaif quickly enter the bathroom.

"Ohh my God." He say collecting the baby from her crying mother and lay her on the bed as he begin pressing her chest.

"Ummi please wake up for me." Farhana say kneeling on the edge of the bed as Huzaif begin giving the little girl a CPR with his mouth.

"We need to get her to the hospital quickly." He say grabbing the towel and wrapped the little girl as they run out of the bedroom.

The drive to the hospital is an agonizing one for the both parent, Farhana just hug little ummi to her chest crying as her husband drive recklessly to the hospital.

At the hospital ummi is rush into the ER with both her parent trailing behind the nurses, Farhana watch as the doctors and her husband try to save there little girl, all effort were made but all in in vain at approximately 3:57pm ummi is pronounce death by the doctors.

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