.💕twenty three💕

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Exiting  out of my apartment i squint my eyes and literally block my face with the tangaren blue cap in my hand, I'm wearing a light blue gezner shadda it's friday plus I'm going to visit my elder sister, i glance at the garage and the absence of the BMW x7 is a sign my obnoxious father has left the house, it's 12pm in the afternoon and i haven't seen my mum the early morning unexpected encounter with my dad doesn't help my grumpy mood, I kick the parlour door open and sigh.

"Good afternoon sir." The maid rose greet and i node.

"Afternoon rose,
Where's my mum?" I ask walking to the kitchen.

"She's in her bedroom it's like she's having a cold or something she hasn't come down since morning." She say and i furrow my brow.

Ok ." I say and head upstairs,
Maybe that explain my dad attitude this morning, the old man always find a way to vent his frustration or bad day on me, I open my parent bedroom and my mum is laying on the bed cover with a duvet.

"Mum." I say closing the door shut and. Walk to the bed, she sneeze two time and sit upright wiping her nose with the tissue and throw it in the trash next to the bed.

How was your night." She say with a smile her voice is soo hoarse makinge to frown.

"My night was fine,
How are you feeling?
Rose just tell me now,
Did you take any medication?" I ask and she node pointing at the syrup and other cold medication making me to node.

Do you need anything?
Maybe a hot tea or pepper soup?" I ask and she chuckle.

"I'm fine.
But i want you to go to Abla's house,
I have asked her to prepare some beans porridge you will help me take it to farhana, i called her and let her know i won't be coming but someone will bring the food i promised her yesterday." She explain with a sneeze and for some reason my heart drop.

"Ohhh." I say and she glance at me.

"If you are busy I.......

" no, no, no i will take the food I'm just a little nervous i guess."i say scratching my forehead and my mum give me a pitiful look.

"It's going to be fine,
I will text you the address do she told me she's at grandpa Amir's house, i will call to confirm whether she's still there or back home so i can send you the address." She say and i node.

She smile weakly at me and slightly brush my forehead making me to press my lips together with a sigh.

"You look good today." She say with a smile making me to smile, my mum always admire it if i wear native.

"Thanks mum,
Let me get going ya Abla's house is a long ride and it will soon be time for mosque." I say and she node.

I will send the address to you soon." She say and i node.

I give her a slight hug and exit the bedroom, I don't know why but I'm really scared and at the same time excited about seeing her again, there's just this overwhelming feeling of infatuation that i can't control, i amble myself inside the blur toyoto Avalon and maneuver out of the house.

The drive to my elder sisters house was a short one probably because my mind won't stop wandering around to my next destination after my sister's house, my mum send me the address and farhana is still at her great grand father's (Amir)house, it's just a 15minutes drive from my sister's house so it's not a big deal, I come down from my car with a sigh.

"Good afternoon." The security guy greet and i slightly wave at him before heading to the main building,
My sister's husband is wealthy and when i say wealthy i don't mean a millionaire, the guy is  overwhelmingly rich his father is sort of from an Arab royal family how my sister meet him or what he sees in her ill-mannered grumpy self is something i still need a holy water and a little talk with the Almighty to understand, I press the doorbell and wait patiently admiring the luxurious car in there garage.

"Uncle Adyan." A familiar voice call as the door swing open making me smile, I crouch down and pick the little girl as she start yapping about school and her new toys.

I enter the parlour and close the door behind me as the little girl tells me her mum is in the kitchen and i head there.

"Sai yau kaga daman zuwa mummy nafada mun irin  aika aikan da kakeyi,
Why are you dressing so good and responsible?" She say turning from the stove and i chuckle.

"Is the food done?" I ask and she snort.

"Good afternoon to you to,
It's like 2months since you last come visit." She say and begin to arrange the warmers into a black food bag.

"I have been busy wlh,
I'm pretty sure mum has already told you everything." I say with a sigh and she node giving me a pitiful look.

"Why did you do it in the first place." She ask as i drop my niece from the kitchen island and she run out of the kitchen.

"It just happened,
Where's Raheem?" I ask since i didn't see my nephew and she release a heavy breathe.

"He left with his dad this morning,
He didn't even go to school something about important family meeting in the middle east." She explain with a shrug and i sigh.

"Isn't he just 12." I say confused and she sigh.

Here is the food,
Do you want me to come with you?" She ask and i roll my eyes but node.

I'm soo confused." I say and she chuckle exiting the kitchen as i trail behind her.

"Hanan!" She yell and my niece run down from the staircase.
"Come we are going out with uncle huzaif we are going to see his wife to be." My elder sister say and i laugh.

"Nice one ya Abla,
Remind me never to tell my secret to mum ever again." I say with a snort as she grab a black abaya from the couch and add it on the long red silk fitted gown she's wearing.

"You really like her." My sister say as she begin rolling her veil looking at me from the large mirror on the wall.

But she's never going to feel the same way, especially after what happened." I say and my sister turn from The mirror.

"Keep praying brother,
Nothing is impossible besides i think everything happened for a reason,
You hurting her and then realise you deeply care about her i think is the Almighty trying to let you know just how much you care about her regardless you trying to convince yourself you have a nonexistent distasteful desires towards her." She say and node.

Hanan come let me carry you." I say not knowing what to say and pick the 5years old girl as my sister mutter a whatever before grabbing the food bag from the kitchen.

With my elder sister unnecessary noise the 15minutes drive turns out to be alot more longer than i expected as my heart dangle in excitement to see the girl that is trying to make my mind go spiral about her.

Who else is excited for this meeting because i am extra super excited.

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Check out my other book.
Chronicles of Abduljabbar and
Uncle jalal.

I love you all.

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