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"With the number of respectable votes from each board number, the board member have agreed with whichever opposition with highest vote will be in favor of the board members, so farhana armaan has a total of 13 votes from the board members in favor of her for a second chance moreover the student union group have a total number of 15 board members, so with that we come to the conclusion that it's with deep regret that we will have to expell miss farhana Armaan." The VC say and huzaif stare dumbfounded by the information.

"We can't expell her." He say and the VC sigh.

"Mr huzaif we have already agreed to whoever have the most vote will be in favor of the board, the student union group are a part of this school and miss farhana will have to pay the consequence of her mistake, I understand she's your student and I'm very sorry but the school cannot do anything about this,
With this we have come to the end of this meeting,
  the board chairman will hand miss farhana her expelled letter to her" The VC say and huzaif just stare blankly at the conference table,
He stare as each board member exit the conference room until he's left alone with the consequences and guilt of his forbidden sinful act.

Sitted quietly under the mango tree farhana stare at the now quiet school environment, most of the student are in the exam hall, the few  student remaining are her coursemate which will soon be in the exam hall since it's few minutes to 12pm, her phone vibration drift her out of her daydream and Mr Auwal name flash across the screen making her heartbeat to accelerate.

"Hello sir." She answer pressing the phone to her ear as she stand up and pick her backpack.

"OK sir i will be right there in a jiffy." She say quickly hauling her backpack and head to the school admin block , few student give her pitiful look and whisper among themselves but that's least of her problem she's going to where her fate lies in the hand of the administration building, she greet few staffs and head to the Dean of there department office and Mr Auwal is already waiting for her by the door.

"Good morning sir." She greets and he urges he in, he have a blank expression which add up to farhana's curiosity.

"Farhana have a sit please." The dean say to her gesturing to the chair next to where Mr Auwal is sitting.

"Good morning ma'am." Farhana greet the elderly woman who smile warmly at her.

"Morning my dear,
The board have finish there meeting and make there final decision." She say with a sigh and drop the navy blue envelope making farhana's heart to flip.

"Farhana no matter what is it that is written on that paper i want you to know that i believe in you and I don't know but i know you didn't cheat,
But sometimes fate just have a way of turning things for us, but we can't quit we keep trying and i believe one day you will make it big and great, because you have what it takes to make it and don't forget never quit because dreams are worth chasing." The beautiful fair optimistic Igbo lady say and farhana node.

She hand her the envelope and farhana stare at the school stamp boldly place on it and she look up at the dean.

"Thank you ma'am.
Can i go?" She ask and the woman smile warmly at me, as bad as she want to open and read the stupid little piece of paper she knows she needed to be alone.

"Yes and goodluck." She say and farhana node, she pick her backpack and exit the office, she walk straight to the car and climb inside,
quickly tearing the envelope she remive the piece of paper and open it
She feel her heart aching she read and read over the last sentence "you are hereby expelled"  she feelthe emotions in her accumulating making her to breakdown in tears.


I have never in my entire life ever regret a decision i make so badly than today, i feel sorry, cheap and upset that i cannot do anything to control the situation, the guilt is eating me up and as i sit in my office i can't help but wonder is it even worth it?
Her face from earlier this morning smiling with my mum at the mall keeps on replaying in my head, I stand up tiredly and begin arranging my stuffs to head home to meet the only person i always feel safe with "my mum", the door to my office suddenly creak open and I look up.

" f.....I try saying but surprisingly two slaps land on my cheek making me to look at her angrily, I raise my hand to slap her back but quickly turn it into a fist and drop it.

"You cost me everything,
The three years of my hardwork all wasted because of your distasteful odium desire towards me,
Where have i gone wrong?
Or was it the pain of rejection that you can't accept?
It was years ago huzaif,
Soo many years have past and you couldn't let go." She yell at my face as i stare speechless at her.

"I have apologize several times,
You did what you have to huzaif  and i will let you know all this years i still regret my action towards you that day  i was young but not stupid,
I know you've been there for me,
you where far away yet so close but then you did this to me and i can't help but wonder,
All those years did you really care or where you just pretending?" She say wiping the tears with the back of her hand.

"Ofcrse i care about you farhana,
I just......I'm sorry and i feel really terrible right now i should have let go everything in the past." I find myself saying and she just snort.

"But you did not,
And now I'm expelled thanks to you." She say and turn to leave but i quickly grab her hand.

"I'm really sorry i swear,
It's just anytime i see you it hurt and i thought been vindictive will quench the pain but now i realises it just intensify the pain, guilt and I feel so stupid for my actions." I say but she yank her hand from mine.

"You know what they say huzaif
Everyone at some point in life has faced rejection and failure, it is part of the process to self-realization
Learn to accept rejections because Rejection is a part of life learn to deal with it and keep moving,
You know the good thing about all this,
I no longer feel guilty for what i did to you any longer because your vindication has taken the pain away." She say and exit the office slamming the door shut.

With a heavy sigh i put my stuffs inside my bag and exit the office,
I just need to be with my mum, she's the only person i want to talk to right now because she's the only person that understand me.

Drop your comments and votes please.

I'm still curious do huzaif please tell us what actually happened I'm highschool.

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