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Farhana's POV

Right from the school gate there's a massive crowd of students, the school seems to be in a full chaos, as i drive inside to the student parking space i could see some students with a large banner and all sort of things with a write up on it that i can't read since I'm far away.

"Wonder what the riot is all about this time,." I mutter to myself.
there's always something to talk and protest about when it comes to student, I maneuver the car to an empty spot and park, i pick my backpack from the passenger seat before coming down from the car humming to a song in my head.

"Farhana." A voice call and i turn.

"Yusrah." I say confuse, yusrah is my course mate we do talk once in a while but i won't call us friends.

"Didn't you know what is happening?" She ask and i shrug confuse.

"What is it.
I'm heading to the admin block the school board want to see me.
What is it?" I say irritated i don't like people been nosy if she doesn't have anything to say then she should just go her way.

"Some of the student are protesting,
They want you to get expelled there's rumors going around that the school authority won't expelled you." She say and i close the car door.

"Why will they do that?
I didn't cheat everyone knows i will never do something like that." I say as i click the car close and haul my backpack to my left shoulder.

"Sure we believe you but you know how things work in high institution,
Some of them are protesting because of Mathew you remember him right." Yusrah say as we walk sideway to the school admin where majority of the protesters are standing..

I keep quiet trying to process what she just say, sure i know Mathew he was a very nice student and unfortunately they caught him cheating with his phone and he got expelled last year, alot of people don't believe he cheated but the school didn't bother to put that into consideration they expelled him.

"I will head to the library,
I want to go brush off before the exams." Yusrah say gaining my attention and i node without looking at her as i continue walking to the crowd.

"Justice for Mathew,
We want her expelled to,
This is racism was it because he was a Christian." Someone among the crowd  yell.

"Attention please." A familiar voice say and i stop by the giant mango tree, I stand on one of the roots that's protruding from the ground and i can see the school VC.

"Listen all of you,
We haven't even conclude the punishment for Miss farhana, the school examination board are still deliberating on the issue,
As we said earlier to the school SUG we are going to announce the punishment for her act, and until then you all need to stay calm and let the school authority do there work,
This institution is against any sort of racism so please until the school decide we don't want anymore rumors." The school VC say and the student murmur among themselves.

I come down from the root and sit with a sigh, I feel my vision blurring and the student and the school VC voices drifting apart as i cry silienty to my backpack.

Huzaif POV.

Driving inside the school premises i  halt my car at the usual spot with a sigh, i pick the backpack i transfer my things into this morning before exiting the car,
I scan the school surrounding and there seems to be alot students which is unusual since it's exams week i shrug and begin walking to my office as a voice called my name making me to turn.

"Mr huzaif." The familiar lecturer call and i stop crinkling my eyes do to the morning sun.

"I'm glad you are here the meeting has started, something arise i have been calling you but you haven't been answering." He say and I sigh.

"Sorry about that,
I don't usually come to school with my phone,
What is the problem?" I ask and he go on explaining to me the unexpected protests by the students making me to mentally sigh, as we walk to the admin i can see some student still lurking around the admin building with some banner on there hand.
As we approach the giant mango tree next to the admin i spot the familiar figure with her phone press to her ear as she wipe the tears from her face with the back of her hand making me to turn my attention back to the road for some reason i become really upset.

"Glad you make it soon Mr huzaif please take your seat." The old man who i learnt is the school VC say and I sit on the chair.

"Let's dive into the matter at hand,
We cannot do as we said earlier Mr huzaif do to how things and the student are already reacting to it." The old man say and clear his throat as he pass some papers and they begin passing it around.

"Farhana Armaan have to be expelled." He say and i look up baffle dropping the paper aside.

"With due respect sir that's not the best thing to do." I say and some among the board members murmur in agreement.

"Didn't you see the student lurking around, if you don't know Mr huzaif last year one of our very good and smart student got expelled do to malpractice, even do alot of the students and staffs don't want him to be expelled but he got expelled and do to that the students are already protesting on his behalf so I'm sorry but there's nothing we can do about this." The VC say and i facepalm despite the AC I'm sweating.

"Why do we have to listen to the students, the board has already make a decision and i think it's only fair if we give my student a second chance
What about the media?." I say and the VC clear his throat.

"I respect all my board members Mr huzaif but this is already turning into a religious something and this institution won't accept that, racism or any religion discrimination isn't acceptable here and because of that your student will have to be expelled sorry." He say and I sigh.

"Why will you make such decision sir,
I think as a board member we should take a vote, those in favor of the students Union and those who want my student to get the second chance she deserve." I suggest and the VC sigh, there's a murmur among the conference table and the place fall silent.

"Mr huzaif you are new here and you don't know our rules, we are all going to agree with the VC decision, we don't want any criticism about religion discrimination or racism to our institution, the students are the media and if they criticized about the school then the media won't question them." One of the staff say and the place fall silent.

"We will all take a vote ." the VC say and i mentally sigh in relief.

"All those in favor of Farhana Armaan should raise there hands." The VC say and some of the board members raise there hands including me, the VC count with his eyes and write something down before looking up again.

"All those who agreed with the Student Union group should please raise there hands." He say and some of the board members raise there hands, the VC count with his eyes and write something down before looking up, he scan the conference table before releasing a heavy breathe.

"Whatever the result is for this then  no board member is allow to protest against anything, the school have rules and everything have consequence and the board members always make the right decision,
And since the deliberation is over and everyone vote for there choices with that we come to the conclusions that any opposition with the highest vote the board have agreed with the decision." The VC say and everyone node.

My heartbeat is slowing down i have never been anxious in my entire life,
Her face from under the mango tree keeps on popping into my head, knowing I'm responsible behind the tears makes me guilty and then the VC announces the result.

Please drop your comments and votes I love you all.

Ohh my god farhana i hope the board members vote in your favor.

This page is specially dedicated to you maimuna3636 thank you for your support

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