💕fifty nine💕

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The baby's surgery went better than expected and they were discharged after a few weeks in the hospital,
Farhana stayed at her mother in-law house for a while and huzaif named the baby after farhana's late mum(jadwa) they call her ummi it's something Farhana has wanted and she's suprise how huzaif knows every single thing she want and always try to make them comes to life while all she does is hurt him.

Sitted in the parlour farhana stare at the baby who's sleeping on the sway swing she wonder if her relationship with her husband will ever be normal, there's not a single life remaining in there marriage the only thing keeping them together is the baby, Farhana has notice the drastic changes in her husband he's barely home 24/7 he's at work and he spend the small time at home with there little girl, he's stop been persuasive and wanting to speak to her the only conversation they have is short which is usually what the baby needs, Farhana glance at the wall clock and it's 12am yet her husband isn't back, she really want to mend her marriage so badly, she want to be a loving wife to her husband and caring mother to there daughter, she want a family, with a tiring sigh she pick the baby and enter the kitchen to grab a case of water before heading to her bedroom,
She hear the front door open and her husband laughing voice from the parlour.

I've just arrived home." Huzaif say ending the call and head to the kitchen.

He's suprise to see his wife awake by this time but didn't comment, huzaif knows his wife and him have drift apart, the only thing keeping them together it's baby ummi,
Farhana's attitude has make him loss all hope of ever finding happiness in his marriage, she barely speak to him and whenever he try to start a conversation she seems uninterested so he's just stop and focus all his attention to work.

"Is she asleep?" He ask glancing at the baby in her hand and she humm in response.

He glance at his wife, she's wearing a red silk nightwear that stops above her knee, some day he want to feel his wife next to him, he love Farhana but it's obvious to him that he can never get that love he's yearning for back.

"I'm going to school tomorrow." Farhana say and huzaif humm in response, farhanas first semester exam is starting tomorrow, despite there unhappy marriage they've always got each others back.

What time?" Huzaif ask,usually whenever she's going to school he take her and stay with the baby wjeny she's done he brings them back home.

"2pm." Farhana say and glance at her husband who's standing by the kitchen door with his hand fold to his chest.

I will come and take you." He say and staring at his wife,she grab the case of water from the island and walk pass him in the kitchen door making him to release a tiring sigh of exhaustion.

Huzaif's POV

Some days work can be soo overwhelming and tiring.

"Sir you will be discharge tomorrow your femoral bone is all heal." I say smiling at the old man who node.

"He will continue taking this medication and come back to continue his treatment as an outpatient." I say handing the file to the nurse as she node.

"That's all for today." She say and I node as we exist the hospital room.

"How are your children?" I ask with a smile and she node.

There father brought them yesterday to our house, I miss them." Sakina say and i node with a smile as we stand by a wall.

"It's normal,
You will get use to it." I say staring at her as she node, we both stay quiet lost staring into each other's eyes until my phone start ringing making me to quickly remove it from my pocket.
Farhana's name flash on the screen as i glance at the time that shows 1:20pm making to sigh as sakina give me a worried look.

"Is everything OK doc?" She ask and I node.

Just family things can be exhausting sometime." I say and she give me a confuse look.

"Are you married doctor?" She ask and I stare at her with a node.

Didn't i tell you?" I say and she shake her head.

"No you didn't." She say and i shake my head with a facepalm.

"Are you sure i didn't tell you,
I thought i told you." I say and she shake he head.

I'm sure you didn't tell me,
I will just go finish my shift." She say and leave making me to release a deep breathe.

Did i tell her? The truth is no i did not, sakina and i have become close and it's clear we've both start to have feelings toward each other,
It's easy to fall in love with people that care about you but easier if you are both going through same problem in life,
    it's wrong but we are both lonely and we feel soo unloved by the people we care about, pushing all those thought away I m decide to go take my wife to school.


Circling the last answer Farhana sigh and stand up from her chair as some few students gives her a weird look, it's not even up to an hour and she's done but what else can she do it's same question they gave to them last year and she studied it for the exam.

"You can sign out there Mrs huzaif." The lecturer say and farhana smile at him before scribbling down her signature and leave the exam hall.

She spot huzaif playing with there baby as he speak with one of the lecturers, it's awesome how much her husband adores there daughter.

"You are done already?" Huzaif say a bit suprise and farhana node as she greet the lecturer.

Huzaif bid goodbye with the lecturer and farhana collect the baby from him, she drop the baby on her carseat and huzaif open the front passenger door for her, Farhana mutter a thank you to him and he close the door shut.

"Can i ask you?" Farhana ask once her husband start driving out of the school.

Anything." Huzaif say glancing at his wife and turn his attention back to the road.

"Did you still love me?" She ask staring at him as huzaif glance at her speechless and caught off guard by the question,
Farhana knows she need to safe her marriage before it's too late,huzaif has tolerated her long enough and he deserve to be happy.

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