💕sixty one💕

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"Nurse sakina will take good care of you,just press the green button if you need anything." Huzaif say with a smile as he glance at sakina who's adjusting the boy casted leg.

"Can i see you for a while?" Huzaif ask  and sakina humm in response.

"Yes doctor,
Let me finish what I'm doing." She say and huzaif leave the room.

Since there previous conversation sakina has distance herself even more, there relationship is like the usual nurse and doctor relationship it's killing them both, even do huzaif know that's the right thing to do but he just cannot help.

"Doctor." Sakina say walking toward him making him to look up abruptly.

"Sakina." He say staring at her for a while and avert his gaze.
"How are your kids?" He ask and sakina node.

"They are fine." She say with her gaze fix on the floor, she feel bad for ignoring and giving cold attitude to the doctor but she doesn't want to be a reason for his beautiful marriage to crash.

"I just want to say..." Huzaif release a deep breathe with a sigh.
"You are right,
we both shouldn't be feeling that way,
I'm sorry if whatever i say bothers you or makes you uncomfortable,
I promise to never bring that topic up, ever again." Huzaif say staring at sakina who look up at him with a weak smile.

"It's OK doctor,
Thank you." She say not knowing what else to say, this is what she want but it seems like a difficult task.

"So can we still be friends?" Huzaif ask and sakina smile.

Friends like old time." She say with a node as they begin walking together, talking and joking like old time as they both try to suppress the feeling and chemistry building between them.

Removing the apron and hanging it on the hook on the kitchen door, Farhana wash her hand as she hear the front door open.

"Baby is that you?" She yell from the kitchen with a smile as she grab the small towel to clean her wet hand.

"Yes my love." Huzaif say dropping the white coat and the backpack on the couch as he crouch down and pick there little girl who smile at him.

"Babe guess what happen?" Farhana say coming out of the kitchen as she slightly hug her husband who kiss her on the cheek.

Did ummi start walking?" Huzaif ask following his wife to the kitchen making her to chuckle.

She's barely 6month babe," Farhana say as huzaif sit on the stool and drop there daughter on the high chair.

"What is it my love?" Huzaif say grabbing his wife hand and twirl her so she can face him making her to giggle.

"So ummi say her first word today and guess who's name she called?" Farhana say as she sit on her husband lap making him to smile.

"Me?" He say and farhana node.

"Yes she was like,
Da..da...something like that,
I still cannot believe after staying all day with this girl you will be her first word, isn't that pure injustice?" Farhana say as huzaif smile staring at the baby who's playing with her fingers.

Huzaif stare at his wife and daughter with a smile, this was his dream, to have a loving family, he have it all now, yet something just doesn't seems right, Huzaif knows he cannot mess up this perfect life, he have to burry whatever feeling it is he have for sakina because this is his family, he have to do that even because of there daughter.


Sauntering into the hospital building huzaif quickly heard to orthopedic unit to start his shift, he wake up late than usual today they all go to bed late because ummi was all cranky yesterday night,
  there are murmuring around which Huzaif knows it's probably another gossip among the staffs as he bump into someone.

Sakina is in the ER she had a very bad accident on her way to work this morning." The nurse say as Huzaif feel his heartbeat accelerating.

"Which ward?" Huzaif ask and the nurse murmur A&E unit, huzaif don't wait to hear what the nurse is saying he quickly run back to the stairs, bumping into people as he mutter sorry, he run all the way down to the ground floor and run to the Accident and emergency unit.

"Doctor Huzaif?" One of the trauma doctor say as they bump into each other.

"Is nurse sakina in here?" He ask looking around the large unit.

"She's been transfer into recovery room,
What room is sakina taken to?" The doctor ask a nurse passing by.

"Room 2." The nurse say, huzaif quickly exit the ward and saunter to the hospital room.

"She will need an x-ray of the chest." The doctor say as Huzaif stand by the door staring at sakina.

Do she look pretty much OK but huzaif knows she's in pain, he wait until the nurse and doctor leave before he enter.

"Sakina." He say quickly grabbing her hand and sit on the edge of the bed.

"I just got to the hospital,
Are you in pain?" Huzaif say worriedly as sakina just stare at him,
Her entire body ache she blink her eyes and some tears leave them.

"You will be fine,
I don't know why sakina but i have never been so scared in my entire life, when they told me you are in the A&E unit i feel like my whole world is crashing,
I cannot continue torturing myself this way, I really have feelings for you I know it's wrong and I'm married, my wife love me, we have a baby but.......
Seeing you laying on this bed just make me realises just how much you mean to me, I really like you." Huzaif say slightly brushing her bruise forehead as he stare at her.

Sakina just stare at the doctor,
She's in a lot of pain but his presence just have a way of easing her pain, huzaif lean and kiss her busted swollen lips then instantly sit upright and facepalm.

"I'm sorry." Huzaif say shaking his head as if that will erase the emotion going through his head and leave the hospital room.

Huzaif knows he need to do something before he ended up doing something he will regret, hurting his wife is the last thing he want to do, Farhana and ummi are the most important thing in his life, he need to stop all this but before that he need to tell his wife because it's the only right thing to do.

Putting the baby in the sway swing Farhana sit on the dinning table and begin doing her assignment, she doesn't need to cook lunch because huzaif comes home for dinner some days she cook and take it to him in the hospital but today she have a pile of assignment that are due by friday,
The door open and she look up suprise to see her husband.

"Baby." Farhana say smiling as huzaif smile weakly at her dropping his backpack and white coat on the couch with a sigh.

"What are you doing?" He ask walking toward his wife and hug her.

"Just assignment,
Is everything OK?
Why are you back early?" Farhana say staring at her husband, despite the smile on his face she know there's something bothering him.

I just take some days off to spend time with the two most important people in my life." Huzaif say kissing his wife cheek as he glance at the baby sleeping in the sway swing.

"Awwnn that's so sweet of you,
Let me make something sweet for you to eat." Farhana say coming out of his embrace but huzaif drag her back making her to chuckle.

"Farhana." Huzaif say releasing a deep breathe and stare at her as she humm in response.
"You do know you are the most important thing in my life right,
And i really love you." Huzaif say and farhana smile staring at him

"I know huzaif,
I also care about you a lot." Farhana say staring at her husband making him to release a very deep breathe.

"There is something very important i want to tell you." Huzaif say staring at his and farhana shrug.

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