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Farhana's POV!

Flipping through my old notebook i sigh dropping it aside, the exam is on friday it's a Wednesday evening, I have only tomorrow left for me to finish studying, the door to mu bedroom open ams my elder sister comes in.

"Yawwa here is the text book I'm telling you about." She say handing the physiology text book and collect with a sigh.

"Thank you." I say flipping through the pages and keep it aside.

"You will pass insha Allah,
Don't over stress yourself." She say sitting by the drawer next to the window and I sigh.

"I guess,
Just overly exhausted with everything going on in my life." I say with a tiring sigh and she stare at me.

Sure my elder sister and i don't have the best relationship but that doesn't mean we don't get along once in a while, she peek through the window with a furrow brow.

"Grandpa Amir is here." She say with a pause and look through the window again.
"With your husband." She say and i feel my heart drop.

"The nerve of this man." I grumble and my sister release a deep breathe.

Just go back it won't reduce anything from you, I don't know what marriage is all about and i don't know how deeply you are hurting but,
Just go back trust me on this you won't regret it because everyone else want you to go back sometimes we do things to please people and to ease the guilt of been disrespectful, if you don't go back today you do what you want to and things go back in the future everyone will blame you,but if you go back if things turn sour again you can stand your ground and blame everyone for whatever." She say with a shrug as my bedroom door open.

"Farhana your grandfather is here." My step mum say with a worried tune and enter the bedroom.

I stand up from the bed and grab the long hijab from the wardrobe and put it on.

"It's gonna be fine,.
" biyayya wa iyaye always a right thing."
She say hugging me as i release s heavy breathe i really did need that hug now.

We exit together from the bedroom and she stop by the stairs letting me walk alone to meet them.

Huzaif's POV

As farhana's grandfather and her dad speak about business whatsoever i just zone out thinking about my wife, I strain my gaze on the staircase knowing very well that's where she with be coming from and I sigh when i see the silhouette coming down from the stairs, she's wearing a long red hijab the only thing visible is her face which unfortunately her gaze is on the floor as if counting her steps.

"Good evening grandpa." She grumble once she's sitted near her dad's leg on the floor.

"Evening Farhana,
What about huzaif won't you greet your husband?" Grandpa amir say and she murmur good evening.

How was your day?" I ask staring at her as she just pout clearly irritated by my voice.

There's a silence and the grandpa amira clear Hus throat to start a conversation.

"Farhana is nearly a month since you left your husband house, this is the second time I'm here because of this issue, huzaif's dad has came to my place 3times let's not mention the countless visit by your husband himself." He say with a slight pause.
"Farhana i want you to please let everything be in the past,
The Kamilah you are even upset they are marrying she isn't in this world with us today so what is all the anger about, life is nothing Farhana we need to learn to forgive and move on,
you are hurt by what huzaif did to you and he's sorry,
We are all imperfect beside if you choose to leave the marriage now did you know who will marry next, All men are not perfect and every marriage have issue but we forgive each other that's what marriage is all about, your husband is sorry and you will go back with him home, right now." Grandpa amir say and there's a silence in the parlour only the sniff coming from my wife who coil and burry her face into the hijab crying, I honestly feel responsible for everything.

"Farhana sorry,
We all love you that's why we want you to be happy, your husband is sorry please forgive him." Her dad say he has his hand place on her shoulder in a comforting gesture.

Her dad call his wife and the beautiful light skin lady comes in and leave with Farhana to get ready as we wait in the parlour.

"It's all going to be fine,
Please stop crying." Jawahir say to her step daughter as she arrange the few clothes into a suitcase with her notebooks.

"Zaman auren kenan a bata ma rai a baka hakuri
We've all been there my dear exercise some sabr." Jawahir say as samira gently put a comforting hand on her junior sister.

After what seems like forever they are done parking and they exit the room with samira holding the suitcase.

Huzaif be patience with her please." Grandpa Amir say once Farhana and her step mum reach the parlour.

They all walk them to the car and grandpa amir tell Farhana they will bring her car home tomorrow.

Samira drop the suitcase in the back seat as Jawahir help Farhana into the front passenger seat whispering all sort of soothing word that Farhana find it useless at the moment.

"Take care and be patience with her please." Grandpa amir say as he say few more advice to huzaif before he climb into the car, he glance at Farhana who's still crying with her head burry inside her hijab and he sigh.

Huzaif do know It's going to take a lot of time and effort for things to be back to normal again.

Na full stop be this,
I try i will now face other book for some time.

I will be back soon let's explore more into huzaif and farhana's new life, how they are going to cope and let's know if Farhana will ever give him another chance.

Add "life after nikah:what happen after happily ever after"
Precluded(our love story) and
Chronicles o Abduljabbar to your reading list.

Don't forget to follow me to enjoy more stories from me i promise i follow back.

I love you all💕

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