💕fourty seven💕

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By next morning huzaif is summoned to the call from his dad, he's sitting right next to his mum leg on the carpeted floor, the presence of kamilahs dad it's a sign things are just going to get even more complicated for him, it's 7am in the morning but he's sweating despite the AC in the parlour.

"Huzaifah you've heard what your uncle say, he's my elder brother and he can make decision in your life just like me and considering what happened between you and Kamilah,
We've decide the only way is for you two to get married." Alhaji Ahmad say it's not something he wants but it's something that will happen regardless.


" we don't want your opinion huzaifah,
Your dad and i are going to meet your wife parents we will talk to them as elders and I'm sure that will not be a problem. "His uncle say and huzaif keep quiet.

" the wedding is going to hold just two months from now."his dad say and huzaif  open his mouth to speak but his dad give him a warning look.

"We are going now to meet with farhana's grandfather he's waiting for us." His dad announce as the two men  leave the parlour making Hajiya jidderh to release a tiring sigh of exhaustion.


" don't mummy me.
I have try my best this is what you want, keep me out of your problematic life huzaif."she say and stand up from the couch with a sigh.

Huzaif sigh with a facepalm, how can he do this to Farhana after she trusted him, he sigh and stand up from the carpeted floor and decide to go home to figure a way out of this.

Farhana's pov
I spend the morning mopping aroundy bedroom, from bed to couch to the cold tiles i close my bedroom door not wanting anyone in,
I don't even know what to say to my family, I'm sure by now huzaif parent have heard everything, I glance at the wall clock that isn't working with a sigh.

I pick my phone and switch it on with a tiring sigh, 12pm i sigh and sit upright as a knock on my door make me glance at the door.

Grandpa Amir is here." Samira sharp voice pierce through the door despite it's lock making me to sigh, I stand up with a sigh and head for the door,
I'm still on my yesterday clothe.

I walk down the stairs and i spot my dad and my grandfather talking probably about me, I make my presence known by saying my salam and they both answer as i take my place on the far end of the parlour floor.

"Meye ya kawo ki gida?" It's the first question that comes out from my grandfather mouth and from the tune he's using it's clear he's upset.
I stay quiet not knowing what to say as i gnaw on my bottom lips.

"Huzaif parents came early this morning." He say with a pause and look up at me.
"Farhana aure fah ba abun wasa bane
So what if huzaif wants to take a second wife." He say and i feel my heart drop at the sudden news.

"He's entitled to 4 wives,
I don't see any reason why you will come home after a slight misunderstanding, every marriage has it's obstacles and it's either you face it or you leave but leaving isn't going to happen not in this family,
Your mum.......he pause with a deep breathe
Your mum wouldn't want you to give up on your marriage, your mum fight for her marriage until her very last breathe, Farhana you will go back to your husband house, whatever it is that happened let it be in the past please." My grandfather say and i breakdown.

I cannot even believe this, huzaif didn't deserve me he bring nothing to my life rather than pain, he bullied me in highschool, got me kicked from the university and then try to convince everyone that he's the victim when I'm the one victim.

"Abbahh i can't,
I don't even love this man." I say crying and from my blurry vision i can see my grandfather sighing face.

I believe everything happened for a reason, I know for sure huzaif did hurt you, in the past but there's no denial that he did care about you, we all make mistakes but forgiv...........

" I don't want to forgive or trust anyone grandpa, the very first time i give the only person i trust and give second chance to look how it turns out, I don't love huzaif and i don't want to go back to the house."I say crying and my grandfather release a heavy breathe.

"Then what do you want Farhana?
To give up your marriage because of this?
A lot of woman have been through worst situation than you and at the end they are happy,
Farhana you will go back to your husband house." My grandfather say and i shake my head.

"No." I say with a sniff wiping my years with the back of my hand.

"I don't want to go back to that house,
I don't want to stay with a rival it's something I've say to myself " regardless how much i love a man if he will marry a second wife i will leave"I say and my grandfather shake his head.

"Your mum had a rival Farhana,
A lot of things happen in life that it's out of our control, fate also plays it role but having patience and accepting qadr is the only way."my grandfather say and i shake my head.

" my mum had a rival but what happen to her at the end?
She died,
She died because she wants to fight for a marriage that doesn't even matters,
If she left she would be alive today. "I spat and i feel my grandfather sighing.

" your mum died because it was her time,
Farhana you are going back to your husband house it's an order,
Go and fix your marriage,
Face it and battle it that's what marriage is all about
"Aure anche bautan ubangiji"
You will go and settle your problem with your husband. "My grandfather say in final, I stand up and run back to my bedroom crying.

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