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There's a very thick tension in the school atmosphere, everywhere seems soo quiet, exams always has a way of making the school surrounding that way,
  standing anxiously in front of the exam hall farhana clutch the pen case her bestfriend gave to her, usually Ibrahim will be standing next to her saying all sort of encouraging words to her but this time around it's different, she's all by herself,
she try calling him this morning but his mum was the one that answer and told her he's already preparing for his surgery so she wasn't able to speak to him,
  Few staffs step out of the exam hall gaining the student attention, usually the school organized the exam hall and you go in search for the sit with your name on it and that will be your sit until the exams is over.

"Go in there find your seat and sit,
Your papers will be here in 5minutes so do whatever you want to before your paper arrive,All the best." One of the staff say and some of the student sashy into the exam hall while others head to wherever.

Farhana sigh and decide to go make use of the bathroom, as she quietly walk down the school premises her mind suddenly drift to the one single person she don't want to think about,
She knows how hard she study for this exams so whatever will happen today or after the exams she believe she do try her best and she can't possibly do more than her best, pushing all the negative thought away she fasten her pace to the bathroom.

"Aren't you supposed to be in school,
You said the student are writing your paper this morning." hajiya jidderh ask her son who's laying on his bed, as she cut his foot nails.

"I don't have to be present for them to write my exam, all the best to them." Huzaif say and the place fall silent.

Despite the serious, emotional speech by his bestfriend huzaif decide to still go on with his plan, he know there's no doubt if his plan work she's getting expel, a part of him don't want to do it but the egocentric side of him want to prove her wrong, he want her to know just how distasteful she is to him and that he can get her expel just as he promise.

"Are you alright huzaif?" Hajiya jidderh ask gaining her son attention,
He's been really quiet since yesterday she wonder what he's hiding from her.

"I'm fine.
I think i will go to the school.'" He say making his mum to smile.

"That's good,
You have to wishe them luck at least,
I'm done with your foot,
i will loose your hair when you get back." She say with a smile, huzaif love braiding his afro hair whenever he's at home his mum braid them for him and if he's leaving she undo it.

"OK." Huzaif say and come down from the bed he's still on his pyjamas, he grab the beanie cap on his sofa and put on making his mum to furrow her brow.

"Aren't you going to shower?" She ask confuse and huzaif shrug.

"What can i say.
I'm always smelling nice let's not mention how fantastic i look wearing anything." Huzaif say cockily and his mum laugh.

"I hate to love you,
You are such an annoying son,
You should shower please." His mum say but he chuckle and remove the sleeping shoe from his leg and put on a pair of black socks and slip on one of the slider back flip flop as his mum stare weirdly at him.

"You and fashion doesn't fit on same line, I can't believe i give birth to an unfashionable fellow like you." Hajiya jidderh say with a huff as she exit the bedroom with huzaif trailing behind her laughing.

Sitted in the exam hall Farhana watch as the examiner share the question paper the more he's close to her the anxious she gets, he drop the question paper in her front making her to release a heavy breathe, after what seems like forever they are done sharing the papers and ask them to start,
It's a 3hours time so they are going to be sitted in the hall for atleast 2:hours with a heavy sigh she flip open the first page, as she read through the questions am excited smile creep on her lips.

"Bismillah." She say and remove the blue pen from the pen case her mind slightly wander back to Ibrahim and she shake her head before circling the first correct answer.

Sitted in his office staring at the television huzaif mind keeps on wandering around, it's 30minutes since the exams begin and he's sure the evil he's planted will be hatch at any moment, there's a knock on his door and he didn't get the chance to say come in the door creak open and his bestfriend come inside.

You didn't forward the email to me
I have been calling you and you aren't answering your phone." Ahmad say and sit on the chair facing his bestfriend.

"I left my phone at home,
What is it?" Huzaif say in annoyance as he go through the exam questions.

"Why are you still on your pyjamas?" Ahmad say confuse and huzaif give him a bored look.

"Because i want to.
What do you want?
I'm sure you didn't drive all the way from your house to ask me why I'm wearing my pyjamas." Huzaif say and Ahmad release a heavy breathe.

The two stay in silent and huzaif know what his bestfriend want to ask him, he's also numb about the whole thing.

"Did you....
Uhmmm did you do it?" Ahmad ask and huzaif node.

"Yes and so?" Huzaif say despite the gulty feeling he still hate it when people question his decision even do it's wrong.

I can see in your eyes you also don't wanna do this,
You aren't going to benefit from it,
This girl probably work hard for this exams and you're just........

" if you are here to preach do me a favor and leave."huzaif say and Ahmad sigh.

"I'm stopping you from doing something you will regret
you are better than this my friend,
Huzaif don't do this please,
Just think of all the pain you will cause everyone,
her parent, your parent if they find out please don't do this, farhana doesn't even have a mother and from what i heard she's been through alot please don't be the reason she have to go through another pain." Ahmad say and huzaif find himself feeling sad, not that he's regretting what he's about doing but the thought of inflicting pain on someone who doesn't get to experience motherly love makes him guilty.

"OK fine.
What do you want me to do now,
It's already to late and I'm sure someone would spot the book by now." Huzaif say and Ahmad shake his head.

If someone see it they would have call you because it's your course, you will go in there pretend to be checking on your student and like the smart ass you are you will steal the book from her sit without she or anyone acknowledging." Ahmad say and huzaif sigh.

It's because of you but that doesn't mean i don't still hate her." Huzaif say and Ahmad laugh.

I know about your distasteful desires toward her." Ahmad say standing up.

The two exit the office as Ahmad continue motivating his bestfriend by telling him what he heard farhana has been through he learnt all that from his wife who according to her, farhana's aunt is her mother's friend, as they walk down the exam hall they could hear the anonymous noise coming from the hall despite the incoherent noises huzaif could hear her voice amidst the chaos.

"I didn't drop that thing there." Her angry voice say and for the very first time in his entire life huzaif regret making the wrong decision.

Kindly drop your comments and share my book with your love ones please.

Distasteful Desires ✔Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora