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The next morning i wake up earlier than usual, my exam is by 12pm but the school authority request my presence by 10am it's no surprise since i know I'm in a dip shit, do Ibrahim assure me the school aren't going to expelled me i still have this sick feeling that whatever it is that's going to be exchange for the expell isn't going to be so easy,
I put on a black pinafore dress with a white longleeve shirt inside of it, I roll my veil ,pick my backpack from my bed and remove my phone from the charger before exiting my bedroom.

"Hey baby are you ready for the big day?" My dad ask once i enter the parlour and i humm in response.

"Can i make use of your black tundra please?" I ask and my dad give me a weird look.

The tundra really?" He say and hand me the key that's on the dinning table a sign he was going out with it.

"If you are using it just leave it." I say and my dad chuckle handing me the key.

"Don't worry i  will use the SUV,
The car seems to be home all the time that's why i wanted to use it today." He say and I shrug.

"I have to go,
Wish me luck." I say and kiss him on cheek.

"The luck is all yours." He say with a smile and i exit the house not paying attention to my stepmother and siblings that were also sitted on the dinning table.

As i drive down the exit of our suburban estate i massage my forehead as my mind wander back to what Mr Auwal told me yesterday night he stated that Mr huzaif was the one that saved me from getting expell but that doesn't change the fact that he is the genesis and mastermind behind all this, such a psycho if he don't want me to be expell then what's the point of all the drama,
I wave at our estate security guard and drive out of the estate muttering some prayers i climb the quiet road and begin the 45minutes drive to school.

I stopped by the mall to grab my credit card that i forgot two days ago, they've been calling me to come get it but I'm soo occupied with the whole malpractice thing to go get it, I park at the parking space and literally jump down from the car, once inside the mall i decide to go check whether they've bring the joggers wanted to purchase few of them but it was out of stock.

"Isn't she the malpractice girl can't believe she have the nerve to come into public.
Two girls whisper as i pass them, i pretend as if i don't hear them and grab 5 of the joggers before heading to the casheir, I explain to him i was the lady with the missing credit card and he node, I pay for my stuff before exiting the mall, I spot a lady struggling with two of the cart full with shopping bags making me to chuckle.

"Hey ma'am lemme help you." I say with a smile and the woman don't even spare me a glance rather she surprisingly push one of the cart to me, she push the cart as i trail behind her with the other cart we stop at the parking space as she scan around probably trying to spot someone.

"Do you want me to drop you somewhere?" I ask and she turn.

"Nope thank you.
I'm waiting for my son he was supposed to be here, wonder what is keeping him long, she fish out her phone from her handbag, I glance at the screen of my phone now showing 8:50an and I sigh I still have atleast an hour before the meeting with the school authority.

" ina kashiga ne, tun dazu nake jiranka, nonsense just hurry up."the woman say and end the call before turning her attention back to me.

"Thank you very much,
Zaki iya tafiya koh ba wani wajen zakije bane?" She ask and i shake my head.

"No i can wait with you before your son come pick you." I say with a smile and the she node.

We dive into conversation mostly about girls stuff after what seems like forever she wave at a white Hyundai palisade and the car maneuver to where we are standing and halt in front of us, i wheel the cart to the car trunk as i hear the woman scolding her son.

"I have been waiting you for you since, if not because of this wonderful girl that keep me company i would have scold you more than this." She say as i stand waiting for the car trunk to finish opening.

"I'm here now mum." Was the son answer making me to chuckle as the woman wheel the cart and stand next to me smiling at me.

"Bazaka zo kasaka kayan cikin mota bane." The woman yell and glance at her son.

"I'm coming mum." He grumble, i start arranging some of the many stuffs in the car trunk and a hand reach inside dropping some of the stuffs making me to glance.

"Good morning sir." I grumble and he just give me one of his many distasteful look ignoring me and continue arranging the things.

"My dear kyaleshi ya shirya kayan,
Nagode sosai,
I really appreciate." She say with a smile and slightly hug me.

"Let me get going ma,am." I say with a smile and she node.

"What is your name i didn't even ask you that?" She say and i glance at Mr huzaif who's putting the last stuff in the car.

"Farhana." I say and she give me the questioning look which i already know what it's about making me to node with a weak smile.

"I'm sorry about that,
It will all pass by soon,
society and social media don't know how to mind there business and respect people privacy." She say with her hand still around me.

"Mum can we go,
I will be late for work." He say and his mum ignore him continue talking to me.

"Huzaif why didn't you tell me she's your student?" His mum ask and he glance at me.

"I don't know all my students mum maybe the smart ones,
Are you sure you are in my class?" He say with all seriousness looking at me and his mum hiss.

"Farhana nagode koh.
Please here is my card do call me when you find time." She say hugging me one time and i node collecting the card from her hand i head to my car as i hear her scolding her son for been so mean and disrespectful,
If only she knows the level of her son wickedness.

As i walk back to my car i wonder how such a beautiful kindhearted lady give birth to a mean, malicious being like him, sure the Almighty is right when he say he can bring bad out of good and bring good out of bad,
Pushing all those thought away i climb into the car and continue my drive to the school wondering how my life would have been if my mum is alive today.

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To learn about farhana's past you can read my previous book "untainted desire"

thank you.
I love you all

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