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Jungkook looked at the side where taekook show only to see his twin brother and his husband and a small child with them he can say that may be their child . He feel angered inside . The memories he beg everyone to dont abandoned him . They didn't think how the 19 year boy with  a 8 month belly survive in the streets . They don't think  how a 19 year boy survive with a new born baby... jungkook feel a pang in his heart and lost of  breath . He gulped the feeling and stand in front of them . He will become strong . Taehyung unknowly muttered bunny..... jeongguk doesn't know what to say . His brother who he always hate and now loving because he know the truth now . He stand like statue tears welled up in his eyes ... he shouted on his brothers son ... and make him cry... the thoughts his twin hate him more ... making his heart feel a heaviness .

     Jungkook cleared his throat and said to them . Iam sorry for my sons mistake . Then he took taekook small hand and left the room hurriedly.  taehyung who hurriedly run to his best friend .. he stopped jungkook in the middle and said bunny..... iam sorry ... please we are regretting a lot ... please comeback ... we know the truth now ... please bunny.... jungkook just stand cold and ask ... did I know you .... taehyung understand he is playing hard. Taehyung take his hand off from him .. jungkook suddenly left from there with his son . Jungkook come to his car rest him head in sit and try to take deep breath.  He know he can't do so he hold kookies hand hardly . Kookie can understand his papa is having a panick attack again ..kookie try to calm his papa like before . But he cant his papa is not calming down.. kookie become panicked he picked jungkook phone and call someone .

        Jeongguk slowly left the room with his son  . When he see his husband standing he go and hug him tightly and started to cry .. this is the first time ggukie seeing his papa crying . He see his appa crying times whenever appa and pappa got in a fight atlast appa cry and come to papa again . Taehyung caressed jeongguk back to calmdown . Jeongguk hiccups babayy..... I shouted at our kookiee.... oh... my God he gonna hate me more.... sometimes later the hiccups slowly get down and it become soft snores . When jeongguk cried he always like this sleep in tiredness  Taehyung sighn take his husband in bridal style and go to his car . He looked around only one car is there . He know whose . He put kookie in front sit . And call someone . Otherside attend hello .... taehyung replied thank God you take the call come fast in ggukies school.  The otherside just ask why .... taehyung sighn and replied ggukie fell asleep and you know I don't have license to drive  .
The otherside chuckled and said yeah... you fail four times in license test ... taehyung said ... this is not time for joke v come fast ...  I will here ... v replied Okey I will be there in a hour .

       V arrived and at the spot only to see a car behind him fastly park his car in the parking lounge and the man running to a certain car the man is exactly looked alike jung hoseok the ceo of jung cooperation.  . He looked side only to see taehyung was standing front his car . He smiled lightly and go near to his brother who was thinking something.  He frown and ask what are thinking this munch ... taehyung wants to tell that he see jungkook who his brother was longing for more than 4 years . But jungkook is not the one in the past he changed he changed a lot . This jungkook have no emotion at all. What if v see bunny ...  definitely not gonna accept because his twin  done was more than he done to his best friend.  He dont want to see his brother was going to depression  again and he dont want to see the devastated state of his twin .

     Hobi hurriedly open the door of the car only to see a unconscious jungkook and kookie was crying his heart front in front of the figure . Hobi hurriedly took the small figure in his hand and said in his ears smoothly... baby...  kookie .... don't worry papa will  be Okey . We have to take papa to hospital... do you know hobi unckyies car ... kookie hiccups and nodded Okey... go near the car and wait for papa Okey.... hobi uncle will come with papa don't..  worry.... kookie nodded and go to hobi uncles car while crying .... in the middle he see the ggukie was standing with his appa who was looking at him with suprise   . But there kookie was surprised as how there is two ggukie papa ... . Taehyung run to him and ask... baby.... where is your ... papa.... you okeyy.... why you crying .....

   Kookie hiccups and looked at v who was looking taehyung suprisely v know his brother was a little bit kindhearted ..  kookie said while crying... kookies papa ... got panick.... attack.... again.... kookie try... try... lot but he is not calm down .... kookie have nooo..no soln that kookie call hobi.. unkyy... he said we have to bring kookies papa to hospital.... I hate panick attacks ... how Cann... he always come ....to my papa.... taehyung eyes filled with tears .... his best friend got a panick attack  .... he looked straight only to see hobi taking bunny in bridal style and getting in his car . He suddenly looked back at his twin who was looking at them with tear full eyes ... v  try to run to them taehyung stop them...... v stop it... he will hate you more.... v Coldly ask with his tear full eyes ... is... it ... my bunny..... is he have panick attack .... is it because of me .... taehyung shook his head as no... kookie was amazed how that man was crying now just a moment ago he was smiling at his brother .

    Kookie run to his papa and get in the car .. hobi take the car and speedy revise the car and go straight his minimum speed ... kookie looked to window . He see the man exactly like ggukies appa was now kneeling and crying his heart out ... kookie feel pity ... he dont know .. he feel sad ....

   Taehyung caressed his brothers ... back and said ... he was changed a lot ... he is not the bunny we know before ... he  dont listen listen to your apologies v... we hurt him lot... v nodded and said I will make him forgive me .... whatever happens... but inside him he know he is going regret more .

           Jungkook opened his eyes only to see kookie was looking at him with his doe eyes ... his eyes is exactly like his appa 0.  How he once adore that eyes... but now he wish he never see that eyes anymore ...  jungkook looked aside only to see hobi was standing with a done face ... kookie sitted in the bed and slightly smiled at hobi . Kookie asked ...ppaaapaaaa you okeyy... kookie was soo... much.... worried.... kookie not gonna punch anyone anymore ... jungkook said to kookie.... taekookie.... don't hurt that boy Okey.....  see him as your brother  ... kookie nodded with his tear full eyes ... hobi interupted kookie... baby... go to your room unky and papa have something to speak.. kookie jump from the bed and hurriedly left the room .

         Hobi sighn and said.... I arrived Korea 6 hours before and the first thing I do was getting you hospital   . What If  I will be not here .. huh... that little bean who was crying his heart out in front you ... he can't always help you bunny.... you have to get yourself .... jungkook head hang low.  Hobi  sighn and said atleast cry bunny .. why you .... keep your pains as a burden in your heart just share it me .... you know iam not gonna judge .. you ....  jungkook looked at hobi with a tear full eyes ... and said ... what should I tell you .... hyung ... that I was abandoned by the person I love the most when I was 8 months pregnant.  And my best friend who I thought  always beside me ...don't belive me ... and I give birth in street that no one beside... and I try to killmyself and my babyy... you know how devastated that i  come to that point ... I just don't want to see my baby.... dying in front of me..  if you was not there that day me and my baby was no more.... that day I promise myself that I not beg anyone .... and I not cry anymore ... jungkook cried and started hiccups the boy who he promised not cry  .... now crying after 4 years....

      Hobi take a deep breath and said when I come to Korea I investigate about the kims collaborations.  That one company was jeon company and other min company and last one was your . When I go through there profiles I see kim jeongguk profile he is exactly like you so investigate more and I come to know that your his twin and v was your husband once .... jungkookie .... I know you now ...  you told me you have no one but only have a baby... I shrugged it that time ... but today... who I thought as my own brother who was hiding so many secrets I feel sad bunny....

Jungkook hiccups and said sorry.... sorry .... I will tell everything hyung  don't be angry.... I only have you and my baby now .... hobi smiled and nodded  ... and said I like to hear your whole story bunny.......

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