࿔ Danica ࿔

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Term ends tomorrow and Danica still doesn't know if she will be able to see Regulus over the summer. She longs for his touch and his kisses forever but how can she get them if he can't get out?

Danica has her head in Regulus' lap and he is absentmindedly playing with her hair. She looks up into his eyes, the sun creating a halo around his dark curls. She smiles and extends her arm to his face and traces his lips lightly with one finger.

"Can we stay here forever?" She whispers so quietly she wonders if Regulus hears her.

He stares down at her, his eyes full of love and his face so soft. He only ever shows this side to the people he loves most and her heart melts at the look he is giving her.

"If we could, I would," he murmurs as he tucks stray hair behind Danica's ear.

She nods slowly and just keeps her eyes fixated on his pools of blue. She drowns in them every time. All her worries disappear when she is focused on his eyes.

"Are you and Sirius any closer to finding the counter curse?" She asks softly. The question has been burning inside her all week but there has never been a good opportunity to ask. She has to know now that they are going their separate ways tomorrow.

Regulus smiles a little and nods.

"I was gonna tell you," he says, "but we don't know if the idea is going to work."

Danica nods and waits for him to explain. She watches his face process what he has to tell her then he takes a breath.

He explains his theory. How the one he most loves has to take him from the place he can't get away from.

He looks at her, waiting for her reaction.

"So," she says slowly, "you'll need Sirius to free you? I'm not sure he'll want to go back to that place."

Regulus stares confusion coating his face.

"What?" Danica asks, sitting up to look at him clearer.

"Why would I need Sirius?" Regulus looks her in the eye.

"Because he's the one you love the most, right?"

Danica watches his eyebrows climb up his forehead.

"Where have you been the last couple of weeks?" He asks her.

"Erm," she says, confused.

"Danica - baby..." he says trying out the pet name. She likes it. "You're the one I love the most."

Danica's heart flutters and she looks down, her face glowing warm.

"I am...?" She says quietly.

Regulus nods. "Of course you are, baby."

Danica smiles widely and kisses him softly. She feels his smile against her lips and he presses her lips harder before pulling away, blushing.

"So how will we do it?" She asks him. "How will I come and rescue you?"

She realizes it sounds like a Disney princess movie. But instead of the girl needing rescuing, it is the boy. The prince will be saved by a girl wearing a mini skirt and a Bowie t-shirt.

"You're staying with your brother luckily," he says, "would he be willing to help?"

Danica nods, knowing for sure that Jackson would.

"But our house is hidden from people who don't know it exists," Regulus continues to explain, "you'll have to take Sirius..." he trails off and Danica waits because he seems to be forming a plan. "Jackson can Apparate with you to the Potter's then you can get Sirius and the three of you can Apparate to Grimmauld Place."

Danica nods slowly as his words sink in. "Sounds easy enough..."

Regulus sighs. "As long as it works."

Danica cups his face gently and lightly rubs his cheek.

"Have hope, Reggie," she says with a  soothing voice.


The next day Danica sits with her legs over Regulus' thighs as they share a train carriage with the marauders. The train is almost at Kings Cross and Danica knows that if their plan doesn't work then there will be a long summer awaiting her. The only plus is that she is staying with Jackson but knowing that Regulus is alone makes a sadness creep into her bones.

She sits up and scoots into his lap, wrapping her arms around his neck and leaning her head onto his shoulder.

"I don't want to leave you," she whispers in his ear, allowing her lips to graze his lobe.

She likes doing that. It's a constant tease showing her love for him. A steady stream of flirts to make him smile and feel better.

He turns his face to look at her and his lips are very slightly turned up in a small smile.

"We'll see each other again at the latest in September." He says, obviously keeping an upbeat voice.

She nods and doesn't want to talk about the escape plan again. They have been through it enough times already and it could all be a load of risk for nothing.

But it could work.


An hour or so later the train is pulling up at Kings Cross station. Danica feels tears sting her eyes and she reluctantly leaves Regulus' warmth of his lap and strong arms. She blinks back the blurriness of her vision and holds her head high for Regulus. She can't be upset. She's leaving to go to a nice brother and kind home. He's going to a house of horrors and parents who hurt him.

Their lives are completely different. Worlds apart. Galaxies between them. Thousands of stars separating them. And yet, they are similar. They fit together like a two-piece jigsaw. Like flint and steal creating fire.

Regulus pulls her close and she leans into him, wanting more than anything to never leave her spot on his chest.

Danica looks up at him after the carriage empties and she circles her hands around the back of his neck. He leans down so she can reach his lips and they kiss, letting it linger.

They pull apart after a few minutes, knowing that they can't stay for much longer. Danica feels her boyfriend's hand in hers. His rings are cool against her skin and she feels the calmness that comes with that touch. They step out onto the platform together and she sees Jackson pushing through the crowd towards her. She pulls Regulus with her as she rushes forwards, letting go of his hand at the last moment before she's swept off her feet and gathered up in her big brother's arms.

"Jackson," she quickly says and grabs Regulus' hand again, "this is Regulus."

Jackson holds his hand out to shake Regulus' and the boys smile at each other.

"I've heard lots about you," Jackson says.

"And I've heard lots about you," Regulus glances at Danica and she smiles and nods.

Then she sees his face change. It is now full of worry and fear. She turns to see his mother walking toward them and he quickly lets go of Jackson's hand.

"Reg," Danica says quickly, "I'll see you next week, I love you."

"I love you too, baby," he says, his voice tight. "I love you too."

He stares at her as he starts to walk off. Danica mouths 'stay strong' as Regulus turns away, one last look of worry etched on his face. Then he's gone, swept up and engulfed in the crowd of smiling families.

Danica turns to Jackson and the tears she's been holding in for days finally fall.


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