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"Love is that condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own."

- Robert A. Heinlein.

where we left off


Of course, it was always Katerina fucking Devlin.

Levi narrowed his eyes as Katerina barged into his room, her uniform fitting awkwardly as she tried to stand with both hands on her hips. He could see by the way her eye twitched that even staying upright was painful enough. He had to give her credit where credit was due, however, because she had an incredibly huge nerve to come all the way out here after he had so violently told the cadets to not let her come.

He had noticed the second she had walked into the officer's meeting, nearly limping as the smart brat guided her over to a chair and Erwin smirked at her presence. He had also noticed the way she kept fucking staring at him all throughout it as well, her emerald eyes burning a hole in the side of his head, almost making him lose his concentration.

There was a good reason she needed to stay behind, but obviously, she wasn't having any of it.

It had killed him to leave her that morning after she had woken up. He had wanted nothing more than to stay with her, wake up next to her, finally see whether or not she would come to her senses in the light of day, or regret as he had so nihilistically predicted. However, what might actually kill him, would be if she were to die because of her own stubbornness in this upcoming mission.

Ever since he had allowed her to infest his mind, she had become nothing but a distraction. She needed to stay away, not only for her wellbeing but also for his as well. He hated that from now on, whether the feelings were reciprocated or not, his focus would never fully be on anything besides her. Having her here in Stonhess might prevent him from concentrating on the task at hand, and he refused to let his unusual attachment to her make him any less competent.

Because there was a nagging itch in his mind- almost like a whisper of something fucking cosmic- that if the time were to arise, he might just choose her.

It scared him- Captain Levi- the man who supposedly felt no fear, that one out-of-control woman might influence him so much.

The same out-of-control woman who was being unusually quiet and uncomfortably awkward, just staring at him again.

Reign Of Blood|L. AckermanWhere stories live. Discover now