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"Resilience is accepting your new reality, even if it's less good than the one you had before."

- Elizabeth Edwards

the next day


Katerina violently thrashed herself awake. She looked around, and to her relief, found that nobody was in the tiny sleeping quarters with her. She gingerly lifted herself out of bed, a sleek veil of sweat coating her body, and began cracking her limbs. She scooped up her uniform that had been left discarded on the floor and began dressing, afterward gathering her hair into two messy french pigtail-braids.

The nightmare she had awoken from was the worst one she's had in a while, and she wondered whether or not her recent acceptance into the Survey Corps had anything to do with it. 

Outside, the sun was just starting to peak orange across the night sky.

"Damn," she growled to herself. Levi was expecting them at the break of dawn and she figured the tiny captain would be less than happy at her late arrival.

As she finished up lacing up her boots and bolted out the door, her body still trembled slightly, leftover twitching from her violent awakening.

The days were becoming shorter, this was proven by the icy chill that encompassed the courtyard. Katerina shivered and wrapped her arms tightly against her body as she made her way to Levi. She noticed next to him was a rickety old wagon being carted by two horses with one passenger inside.

"You're late," Levi barked as Katerina made her way to the center of the courtyard.

"The sunrise barely started," she muttered, walking straight past him and jumping on the wagon beside a sleeping Eren. "How long have you two been out here?"

Levi rolled his eyes as he hopped on the wagon as well, taking a seat directly across from her and Eren.

"Not long," he mumbled, pulling out a pair of gloves. "The minute the brat sat down he passed out. It's fine though, at least I won't have to listen to him rant during the ride."

Katerina smiled down at the sleeping Eren, his lips were slightly parted as quaint snores escaped them. She made herself as comfortable as she could on the wooden planks and reached for his head, positioning it on her lap as she ran her fingers through his hair.

Reign Of Blood|L. AckermanWhere stories live. Discover now