part I

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*slow editing as of 11/4*

*the plot will not be significantly changed, but some changes will be made*


Hello, past and new readers!

First off, thank you so much for clicking this story and giving it a chance! A lot of people have liked it and I hope you do too!

I'd like to address something before we begin.

1. This is the very first fanfiction I have ever written and it is not my best work. I just want to put this out there for anyone that's curious. I was really young when I wrote this and I hadn't really discovered my writing style yet. There are a lot of grammatical errors that I am well aware of! Yes, it is a cliche, that stems from my lack of maturity when I wrote this. If you're not okay with this, I'm sure you can find more entertaining stories.

2. This story is canon-compliant. This is something I do not do anymore. While I enjoy reading certain stories that are canon-compliant, I have realized that I prefer to write AUs. I know that a lot of people prefer them too because they're definitely more original, but if you've stumbled upon this and decided to read this, I expect that you're okay with this.

3. The cast below is how I picture these characters. I've gotten a lot of heat about using live-action models for the characters (some people flat out refusing to read my story because of it) and that's okay. It is not everyone's cup of tea. If you would prefer, just ignore it. Picture them how you picture them and we'll be good.

4. I am not a fan of whitewashing. When I wrote this, I was pretty immature and so was my understanding of the damage whitewashing does. Now that I'm older, I have taken the time to represent the characters with the heritage that they portray. However, I would like to point out that I have done extensive research on the topic and found out that characters like Eren and Armin (and my own OC) are similar to someone of German descent. Mikasa is half Asian. We don't know exactly what race Levi belongs to, but we do know he's not of Asian heritage, although we don't know the race of his father. Again, if you do not like these actors, simply ignore them.

5. My OC is not perfect. This shouldn't be a shock. I've received comments that she's too much like Levi and that she's similar to so many other OCs and again I stress that I was young when I wrote this and I stress again that this story is not perfect. However, I am slowly editing to change this.

6. Please leave nasty comments to yourself. Now, I love critique, I really do. I think it helps writers get better and I love hearing feedback. That being said, I'm not really okay with actual hateful comments towards myself or others. If you don't like this, that is perfectly fine with me. We all have our taste and we know what we like and sometimes we find works that we hate. Again, I will politely ask you to find a story better suited for your needs. I don't see anything helpful with comments on several chapters that are just full of hate and negativity with no semblance of critique or suggestions in them. Again, please if you hate this book, then simply don't read it.

This all might seem harsh and I'm well aware of that, but this is long overdue. Although this is far from perfect, I am proud of it and that is why I am keeping it up. If I have time, I will come back and edit this to my liking, maybe make things less canon-compliant and potentially take this down so I can make these changes. However, I have several other stories I'm working on, and editing this is not really high on my list of priorities. If any of you reading this are writers, you understand just how long and exhausting it is to completely rewrite a story.

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