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"I know why the caged bird sings."

-Maya Angelou.

that same day/where we left off

KATERINA LAID SPLAYED ACROSS THE ROOF, the sun baking her skin. Twenty minutes had passed without the return of the cadets and she had grown bored of waiting, resorting to watching the clouds to pass the time.

Every now and then she would lift her head up to watch her friendly Titan engage in battle. After a while, she noticed that it grew tired and weak. She didn't know the exact number but she estimated that it must have killed over six Titans by itself while they waited.

Now, it leaned against a building, smoke rising from its wounds as other Titans preceded to eat it. Katerina stood, ignoring her protesting body, and walked over to observe the scene. A rare sadness filled her chest, a sadness that wasn't related to her current health status.

"I'm sorry it had to end this way," she said calmly as the Titan remained motionless, allowing the others to devour itself.

"You know," she continued in a soft voice. "I know someone who would've really liked you. You remind me of him."


As she stared at the decaying Titan in front of her, Katerina's mind couldn't help but wander to the rambunctious boy who had become her world. She tried to shut her mind off and avoid thinking about him entirely but it was like an itch in the corner of her mind that couldn't be satiated.

"He would have really liked you," she repeated sadly, clenching her fist and closing her eyes shut so no tears would fall. "Or, maybe not, actually. He really fucking hated Titans. He probably would have come up with ten ways to cut your nape."

"Lost in thought?" Reiner asked, his steps muffled by the groans coming from the Titan. He carried two tanks of gas meant for Katerina and began fastening them for her.

"Something like that," she snapped, harshly tugging her body away from a helpful Reiner. She ripped the tanks out of his hands and began fastening them herself, not bothering to thank him.

"Katerina, we should talk about it," Reiner started, taking a seat on the ledge opposite of her. Katerina glanced at the Titan, whose groans were beginning to weaken.

"I know right. It's a shame it won't survive. We could have really benefited from it."

Reiner's eyes widened, his mouth opening slightly, and shook his head while taking a step toward her.

Reign Of Blood|L. AckermanWhere stories live. Discover now