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↱"If you want a happy ending, that depends, of course, on where you stop your story

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"If you want a happy ending, that depends, of course, on where you stop your story."

-Orson Welles.

a month later

THE PASSING OF THE TIME HAD HEALED MANY WOUNDS, like Katerina's extensive injuries and Levi's scarred thigh, but there were some wounds that time could just not heal.

Settled in the Trost District, Katerina had to go about her days receiving withering looks from citizens who held no appreciation for the sacrifices she and her comrades had made. They seemed completely oblivious to the loss that had devastated them only a month ago. Before the people had been rude, but now they were just cruel.

After the miraculous rescue mission that had brought both answers and questions, the Scouts were under constant scrutiny and the scars that Katerina should have been wearing with pride were clouded with resentment and hostility.

Even government officials began to question the Scout's true motives and this seeped a political nature into every action their Commander had taken during his recovery.

Even with only one arm, everyone was still terrified of pesky Commander Erwin Smith.

Katerina and the kids had managed to keep Eren safe and out of sight for the majority of their time back in Trost, but nothing seemed to be returning to normal.

Katerina even wondered if such a thing were possible.

Through Hange and Armin's meticulous research and theorizing, they had come to understand that all of the Titans that were not shifters, had been human before and the realization that they were killing suffering human beings this entire time had put everyone in a foul mood, but none more than Captain Levi.

Levi and Katerina had barely been able to spend any time together in the month that had passed. Every time Levi had a free second away from diplomatic meetings and professional duties, Katerina was resting and recovering, something that he did not want to hinder with his presence.

If only he knew that his presence was the one thing she needed.

She had felt so completely broken after rescuing Eren because the world was no longer just black and white, good and bad, but some sort of third existential color that no one could clearly comprehend yet.

She missed the days that she and the kids could just relax and laugh together.

She missed Hannes and his ridiculous professions of love.

She missed the way Petra braided her hair.

She missed her baby.

And she missed Levi, possibly the most.

Reign Of Blood|L. AckermanWhere stories live. Discover now