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↱"The world breaks everyone, and afterward, some are strong at the broken places."↲

-Ernest Hemingway

the fall


After she had been awoken by the bells, Katerina tried to see if by some small miracle her family had decided to return home. For obvious reasons, and after several wasted minutes, she had been wrong. 

The second thing Katerina did was run to her bedroom window, wildly thrashing at the curtains she had told her mother was pointless to get, to see if she could spot anything unusual. Kids could play pranks and this could just be a prank. From the bottom of her stomach, she was hoping this was a prank, unfortunately, none of her hope was paying off at the moment.

From her window, Katerina could see the bloodbath developing below her. 

There were Titans.

Real Titans.

Even with the constant reminder of the Titans' existence that shouted out to her every day with the Wall bordering her city, there was always a small part of her that really didn't believe in them. 

Yes, the Scout Regiment lost many to Titans and yes, the Walls were made for a reason, but those reasons had been too terribly horrid to ever imagine.

Now, there was no doubt because from her window she saw them clear as day- tall and horribly shocking. Some were fat and some were short. Some had hair and some had creepy smiles.

And they were eating people.

Katerina gasped as she saw neighbors and friends being grabbed by monstrous hands and stuffed down throats. She watched a Titan snap their prey in half first and she felt the pain of those who were simply eaten alive.

In the initial seconds of shock, Katerina emptied her stomach onto the floor and began panicking, but only for a second. Because while she was debating whether or not hiding in the closet was a reasonably sound idea, something became shockingly clear. There was something more important to her than her own safety.


And that's how she found herself, clad in her baby blue lace dress, running through the streets of Shiganshina. The hair that she had managed to curl for the occasion flailed wildly around her as she jumped over obstacles and shoved her way towards the Yeager's house.

Reign Of Blood|L. Ackermanحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن