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"Freedom lies in being bold."

- Robert Frost.

a few days later

THE SNOW THAT CAME had begun to stick to the ground which was now covered with a thick blanket of white tears that had fallen from the sky.

Katerina sat on the exposed windowsill in the dining hall with her feet dangling out of the castle, admiring the coat of white that engulfed the land.

Just like before, after every awkwardly uncomfortable encounter she had with the Captain, she and Levi hadn't spoken. Whenever they crossed paths on their days off, he would quickly whip around and head in the opposite direction. It was frustrating, to say the least, but she was silently thankful because she didn't know what she would say to him if they were alone together again.

They would have kissed if Eren hadn't walked in, she was sure of that now, and she still hadn't decided if that was something she wanted. At that moment, she could feel herself leaning in and at night she would wonder what it would feel like to have his lips pressed against hers. But reality would snap her back from those thoughts. 

Levi didn't want her and she couldn't want him.

 It wasn't what was best for Eren.

Eren walked into the dining room to see Katerina contemplating her thoughts by the window and wondered whether or not she was thinking of Levi. 

After catching them in a compromising position, Eren had started to wonder what exactly it was that was going on between them. He wasn't a child, no matter how much she treated him like one, and he knew that the hatred that was once there was evolving into something else. 

He wasn't too sure if it was a budding friendship, or a real romantic relationship, but he was exceedingly curious nonetheless. 

"Thinking of our dreamy-eyed Captain?" he teased, walking up to her. She furrowed her eyebrows as she turned around and pursed her lips as she hopped off the windowsill and moved back into the castle.  

"No," she stated, brushing specks of snow off her fleece pants. "I was thinking about what would be the easiest way of killing you."

"And what's the consensus?"

"I'd probably poison you. You're such a messy eater, you wouldn't even notice," she teased, ruffling his hair with a smile. Eren brushed her hand away and guided her back to the window as he pointed to a lonely lake that was within view of the castle.

Reign Of Blood|L. AckermanWhere stories live. Discover now