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↱"Together, we form a necessary paradox; not a senseless contradiction

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"Together, we form a necessary paradox; not a senseless contradiction."

-Criss Jami.

a few days later

A COUPLE OF DAYS HAD PASSED since Katerina's introduction to the team.

Unfortunately, her sudden appearance in the squad left her bunking with Petra Ral, and the redhead never gave her a second to breathe. The days had been spent getting to know each other and conducting maintenance training to keep their fitness intact. Eren had fallen in love with the Survey Corps headquarters and his new squad members.

Katerina was happy that Eren had fit in so easily, and she was particularly happy at the amount of trust that was being built between him and the rest of the squad.

However, she could not say the same for herself. Katerina had tried her best to get along with the rest of the squad but camaraderie had never been her specialty.

Back at the Cadet Corps, she had isolated herself, save for her contact with the kids. The people there understood that she was one person that was not to be messed with, but here it seemed that wasn't a deterrent but encouragement.

If Petra wasn't busy hounding her on her interests or begging to braid her hair, Oluo was trying to hit on her, his cheap imitations of Levi leaving a sour taste in her mouth. Eld and Gunther hadn't bothered her much but she would notice the way they spoke in hushed tones whenever she entered the room, it seemed that they were trying to read her with little success.

Despite how much it mentally pained her, however, she tried her best to get along with them. She wouldn't let Petra braid her hair, but she did sit quietly and somewhat attentively the girl rambled on and on about Levi. She would let Oluo sit next to her during meals and play a cutlerly game of his own invention. She didn't really know what to do with Eld and Gunther, though, so she just settled on smiling at the two of them whenever she spotted them.

With Levi though, she did not even make a semblance of an effort. She hated the way he looked at her, part curiosity, and part disdain. He only ever muttered two words to her at a time and usually let Petra deliver any messages he had. Occasionally while she was training, the hairs on the back of her neck would shoot up and she would feel eyes all over her roaming her body, and when she would snap her head to find the source, all she'd see was a flash of green and black.

She wasn't sure why but something within her told her it was him.

"Devlin! Are you even paying attention?" someone screamed at her.

Katerina snapped out of her daydream and stepped down from the metal platform she had been balancing on. Levi's eyes were full of annoyance as she made her way to him.

Reign Of Blood|L. AckermanWhere stories live. Discover now