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"Brave men go forward not expecting to return."


where we left off

KATERINA COULD FEEL the sweat trickling down her chest as she ran through the streets at full speed. She needed to find some suitable place to hide while she waited for Mikasa's return but every option was fruitless. 

Buildings with gaping holes were definitely out of the question and anything with large windows and one exit needed to be avoided. She ran through the empty streets, a blade in each hand, as she listened to nothing but the sound of her own heart pounding in her chest. Occasionally, she would come across a foul-smelling pile of bodies and dismembered limbs, she tried her best not to look.

Then she heard pounding feet to her right and quickly tucked herself away. Hiding behind a corner, she slowly peered her head around the side.

She gasped and retreated as she saw a twelve-meter Titan approaching her street. She went for her gear before she remembered that the chunky hunks of metal were useless. She held her breath as she heard the Titan getting closer and closer to her. Thankfully, she began to hear the echoes less and less until they were completely gone. She thanked whoever was listening as she saw the coast was clear, placing her blades back in their holster.

She continued jogging through the streets, listening for even the drop of a pin. She finally came upon a house that was still intact and could be used for a bit. It was a two-story that was wedged into a building next to a rusty shoe store. She burst through the open front door and slammed the door shut behind her. The home was modest-looking, the annex she had entered had some kind of flowery wallpaper and the halls still smelled of baked goods.

She made her way into the kitchen to see that, in fact, the family here had been cooking before they evacuated. Her fingers traced the kitchen counter as she saw cookies, brownies, and cakes lining the table. Her eyes caught a banner hanging on the wall.

Happy Birthday Peter!

She swallowed the emptiness inside her as she continued to examine the house. There were dozens of gifts crammed into the quaint living room and toys were scattered on the floor. She did her best to avoid stepping on any of them as she continued through the house, leaving the living room, to search the second floor. 

Reign Of Blood|L. AckermanWhere stories live. Discover now