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↱"The life of the dead is placed in the memory of the living

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"The life of the dead is placed in the memory of the living."

-Marcus Tullius Cicero.

some days later/ the anniversary


Levi had decided to keep his squad at the Survey Corps headquarters while they waited for their upcoming expedition, which Katerina gladly accepted. She and the kids had spent every free minute of the last couple of days together, reminiscing and recounting what happened during the time they were apart. 

She had been so busy with them that she hadn't thought of anything else, a fact that seemed to brew a secret resentment in the short Captain. He had given the squad the days off training, which puzzled them, but they relented after Levi insisted he had too much paperwork to do. Only Erwin seemed to know the real reason Levi had been so generous, he figured it had something to do with a sassy raven-haired cadet.

However, the honeymoon couldn't last forever, and the squad desperately needed to prepare for the upcoming expedition. This was why the majority of the Scouts were gathered in the mess hall, each waiting for their respective Captains for training orders. 

She wished Levi would have given them just one more day- one more day off- but, of course, they had to resume training today out of all days.

Katerina was becoming more and more impatient as the time ticked by and almost every other Captain had come to collect their squad, minus Levi. She incessantly tapped her foot against the floor and tried to force a smile on her face as she watched Eren steal bites out of Armin's bowl, which Mikasa quickly rewarded with a loving smack on the head.

"I wish we were in the same squad," Armin grumbled as he tried to protect his food from the ravenous Eren. "I don't want us to be separated again."

"We can't be in the same squad," Eren explained, taking more food from Armin's barely full bowl. "Kat and I are in the elite squad."

"Eren," Katerina warned, the smile she had been trying to maintain slowly fading by the second. Mikasa rolled her eyes as she continued playing with the loose strands of her scarf.

"I don't mean it in a bad way," he defended, gulping down his last bites. "It's just that this squad is very hard to get into."

"Don't try to brag, Eren," Armin snapped, suddenly not the little mousey boy he used to be. "You know the only reason you're in the squad is that you all of a sudden can transform into a Titan!"

"Boys," Katerina warned as she slowly began to lose patience as another squad left the mess hall.

"I earned my spot here!"

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