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"Out of difficulties grow miracles."

-Jean De La Bruyere

where we left off/part two

STARING INTO THE JAWS OF A TITAN, Katerina could not help but think of her baby, of Caleb. 

She thought after his death she could be strong for him, strong enough to carry Mikasa, Armin, and Eren on her shoulders and protect them. 

But now, her body was trapped in the unforgiving hands of a Titan and her body was filling with pain. 

There was no more fight left in her. 

It had all been squeezed out.

"I'm so sorry," she mumbled to no one in particular as the Titan drew her closer and closer to its jaws. "I've let you down."

Right before she could feel its slimy tongue underneath her, Katerina heard a loud and demonic roar. She looked up at the Crouching Titan and realized that the sound had not come from it. She turned her head as far back as biology would allow her to and saw a fifteen-meter Titan with shaggy brown hair and a partially skeletal jaw. 

At the sight of this new opponent, the Crouching Titan erupted with a similar roar and completely forgot about Katerina, dropping her to the ground. She wrapped her arms around herself as her poor ribs took the majority of the impact.

"Oh, Walls!" she shouted through rapid pained breaths. "Why do you freaks have to be so goddamn tall!"

The brown-haired Titan's gaze fell to the ground, examining what the other had dropped. It looked at Katerina rolling around the floor in excruciating pain and another roar erupted from it. Katerina tried to stand up, the adrenaline in her system slowly fading, until she noticed the brown-haired Titan setting its sights on the Crouching Titan above her.

The two were at each other's throats before Katerina had the chance to get up and run. The Crouching Titan was fast but no match for this newcomer. The brown-haired Titan furiously punched the Crouching Titan with so much rage and frenzy. He mercilessly tore its arms off and bit the back of its neck. In a quick snap, the brown-haired Titan ripped the Crouching Titan in half.

Smoke was clouding Katerina's sight when the fight was over. She thought the pain was making her hallucinate because she had sworn she just saw a Titan kill another Titan. It had ripped its arms off. 

Reign Of Blood|L. AckermanWhere stories live. Discover now