Chapter 7

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Yoongi's POV

"I'm on my ovulation day."

Yana rubbed some cream on her hands as she walked into the room, "So that means if I want to get pregnant, we have to sex right now, love."

"Should I be happy with the fact that I'm married to a woman who needs a date to have sex with me, Yana?"

"What's wrong with you?" she spread her hands and squeaked in a voice that rasped in my ears, "We've talked about this before Yoongi, I want a baby! I want my baby back that you took from me in the past!"

"Is this the damn topic again?" I tried to keep my voice under control as I got out of bed, too angry to succeed, "You were a goddamn kid when you got pregnant Yana, you couldn't deal with it!"

"But that doesn't justify you wanting me aborted after you got me pregnant!"

"We didn't even have a penny!" I was so angry that I blacked out and searched the room for something to throw.

"Don't come to me with the same things Yoongi, my dad could have done something for us. If you'd let it happen!"

"I don't want your father's money!" I held my head and unwittingly kicked the closet. She jumped to the side, the look of horror on her face telling it all.

This marriage ended a long time ago.

She calmly continued, "If you were ready to put aside the art bullshit and sacrifice a little for your wife, we wouldn't be like this now Yoongi. If you had gotten a job at my father's company-"

"Don't try to change me Yana, I'm so tired of this!" I couldn't stop myself and walked up to her, "You knew very well what kind of man I was when we got married. You knew all along that I wouldn't be your father's little puppet!"

"You are a useless man." My wife raised her hand to kick me out of the room, "I don't want you here Yoongi."

"You were literally begging me to fuck you just now, don't you think so desperately?"

A slap to the side of my face.

I don't need this shit.


I opened the door to take out the trash.

Looking at the shadow behind the hedges surrounding the garden of the house across the street, I wished I wouldn't be noticed. What was he doing there at this hour?

It had been an awkward night for me in so many ways and now it was about to get even weirder. Yoongi silently lifted his head and continued to smoke without saying anything when he saw me standing there.

His dull gaze swept over my funny-looking boyish outfit as he continued his act as if I wasn't there. I was wearing a red pajama set, my hair was messy and I had green Crocs on my feet. Just think, I couldn't be more disgraced.

He dropped his cigarette on the floor, chewed on the stub, then turned and laughed lightly at me before entering the house.

I think that's when I saw his smile for the first time. 

I couldn't tell whether it was a smile of sarcasm or a hint of sincerity. But his heart started beating so fast that I stopped even thinking about what he was trying to say to me when we were in the kitchen tonight.

I found myself drawn to him again.

Min Yoongi was like a curse, you can never have it but still you never stop chasing after him. 

I hope he never realizes how he make me feel.

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