Chapter 18

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It's only been hours since the shadows of the past came to light one by one. As soon as my exam was over, I slung my bag over my shoulder and ran to the door to exit the classroom without getting caught by Jungkook.


This is Jungkook.

"I can't talk now, I have to go home now." I stammered. I don't know how far I can run from him.

"What's wrong with you?" Jungook cupped my face and pulled himself up to take a closer look, "Why are you avoiding me? If it's about what happened at the party-"

"No, that's not why!" How would I tell him? He and his brother's father were together with my aunt, who is now the only person in my family, years ago?That if his mother hadn't gotten pregnant with Taehyung, he would have broken up with her and gone away with my aunt?

These were extremely sensitive issues and could not be so easily explained.

"Please wait a minute." I cross my arms as Jungkook walks away to get his bag from the queue.

Turning to me, he said with a sad face, "You're the best friend I have, Y/N, and it hurts my heart when you treat me like that." I hugged him as he turned his head sideways to hide his eyes, which filled like a tiny squirrel. 

"No, I was nervous, I'm just so sorry Jungkook, I didn't mean to offend you okay?" I muttered against his warm chest.

"If my brother did something to piss you off, I'll beat him!"

I laughed, "Taehyung didn't do anything, why don't we go to Namjoon's bar tonight? I can buy you a beer and make amends."

His eyes immediately lit up, "Well, do you mind if Jimin comes with us? It looks like we're dating him now."

"If you think Namjoon won't let Taehyung know, why not?" I said teasing him.

"He doesn't, after all we're 17 years old and Namjoon lets us in without having our IDs checked. And he hasn't said anything until now. He's trustworthy."

I nodded and we left the classroom together.


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