Chapter 15

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"Honey, there's one of the Jeons at the door!"

On Saturday morning, my aunt called upstairs. I ran downstairs in my pajamas wondering why Jungkook chose to be at my door instead of Jimin's bed at this hour. Something bad happened?

Before I finished going down the stairs, my aunt stepped aside. Taehyung stuck his head in and raised his hand, "Good morning Y/N."

Why did he come here?

My aunt winked at me and muttered, "I just remembered I had dinner on the stove."

As she disappeared, I leaned against the door, "I came to see if you've been feeling well since last night."

"It's okay, except for a bad headache."  I replied in a flat voice.

"Look, I just realized I didn't apologize properly. Why don't you get dressed? So I'll take you out and maybe order something and apologize properly." Trying to look cute, he blinked a few times and purposefully hung his lower lip forward.

"I'm too tired."

"It's okay, we'll just sit down. I've come this far Y/N come on."

"Wait a little."

I went upstairs and after some casual stuff, I grabbed my bag and went downstairs. I found my aunt in the middle of a fierce struggle with him to get in.

"We're going out." I said while putting on my shoes.

My aunt, who seemed more delighted by this, shook her head, "Then you guys go."

Taehyung and I went out.

"Before I go, I have a little job down the street. My mom assigned me to take care of the design of one of the neighbors' house. I didn't want to drag you out, but you can wait outside. I'll just check out and leave, okay? It'll take five minutes."

"Fine." I replied in a cheesy voice as I crossed my arms.

However, after a few small steps, the house we were standing in front of us left me in deep horror, "Are you designing the Min's house?"

𝐃𝐑𝐀𝐖 𝐌𝐄 𝐍𝐀𝐊𝐄𝐃 || 𝐦𝐲𝐠 ✔Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora