Chapter 17

357 17 1

Yoongi's POV

I've been walking around the house just getting fucked and not satisfied at all. 

My feet are running here and there in the middle of the hall, I run my hand through my hair and take a deep breath. Fake cum in front of my wife a few minutes ago?

I used to think it was a female-only thing.

So, in the light of all this nonsense, I went to the phone that was on the coffee table. I took it in my hand, settled into the armchair and went to the number that her aunt gave my wife on the morning of the exhibition.

Question mark.

She could have occupied my guide with a more creative name, of course, but I couldn't care less right now.

I clicked on her name and, putting a cigarette in my mouth, wrote: "You left your hairpin in my studio."

Not long after, the phone started ringing.

The volume of the phone remained on, and I muted it with a clumsy motion in the dark hall filled with my thoughts, and then put the phone to my ear.

The childlike, and more importantly, sleepy voice said, "Who are you?"

"How many studios are you in and out of at the same time?"

Damn, I didn't even mean it.

After a pause, she said my name. My name has never sounded so sweet to my ears.

"I want to complete the work I left unfinished." I said without thinking, closing the phone with my hand.

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