Ill feelings

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What a treat it is to see the two most handsome boys of Engene University standing at arm reach in the corridors. All around them, the crowd squeals and the murmurs arise!

Heeseung is the tall and funny prince of the Blue Class, studying Business and Finance.

While Jake is the cool and friendly idol of the Lilac Class, studying International Law and Geopolitics.

The two classes share the same building, so it is not uncommon to have them cross path during the day. Which would create this tension zone where admirers gather.

But between these two stars, lies a really different kind of tension. Commonly called "hatred".

Since they had almost immediately became popular during their first year at uni, curiosity inevitably grew towards each other.

But the few words they then exchanged upon meeting for the first time, simply led to them hating one another.

And ever since then, they had been carefully avoiding each other, knowing that the smallest offense towards the other would lead to a bloody war between them.

But today felt different.
It felt like something was about to happen.
Something that would change this peaceful tension forever.

End Game (Jake x Heeseung Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now