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It was for the best.

What could be better than dating your crush, doubling as your rival's ex-girlfriend, to forget about the weird reactions you have towards thesaid rival?

Heeseung couldn't think of any other solution to distance himself from Jake, so he simply went to Alicia, and asked her out.

She had been humiliated by Jake, so it wasn't a surprise when she immediately accepted. Since the two boys were considered a couple by the entirety of the building, dating Heeseung was the ideal path to humiliate Jake back.

Overall, this relationship wasn't very romantic in its essence, but they were both determined to make it look like they were the cutest, sweetest and happiest couple their uni had ever seen.

But despite their efforts, the main spectator stayed unimpressed.

Jake didn't complain about it to Heeseung. Neither at school, nor at home.
Not a single comment.
Not even a disdainful glance.

He was acting perfectly normal.

Heeseung convinced himself he didn't care. He was getting a burst of attention from the rest of his schoolmates after all. He didn't need more.

Plus, Alicia really was a perfect girlfriend. They were having so much fun together, talking about their lessons, their friends, their...

"Hey, Heeseung. What are you thinking about?"


Alicia and him were on a date. She was absolutely adorable in her yellow mini-dress, and they were at his favorite cafe. But his mind was obviously elsewhere.

"Are you still thinking about Jake? He isn't going to be mad at you, don't worry. He looked perfectly ok with our relationship."

"I'm not thinking about him. Why would I?" Heeseung coldly replied.

But in fact, he was. Before leaving for his date, he had passed by Jake, going back to his room from the kitchen. There, the latter had casually asked where he was going, and Heeseung had answered.

But Jake hadn't looked neither annoyed, nor surprised. And he even wished him a good date.

A good date for fuck's sake!

After all the energy and the tantrums he threw about them being engaged, it was infuriating to see him so cool.

"Well, it's because you're always staring at him when we're at school," explained Alicia.
"That's why I thought you were worried he would be angry or something.
But I was probably imagining things. He wouldn't be angry anyway, since he never actually liked me, and you were never a real couple.
I could see it, you know."

And she was right, Jake and him were never a real couple.

End Game (Jake x Heeseung Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now