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"Why are you avoiding me?"

"I'm not avoiding you," immediately replied Heeseung by reflex.
Jake stared at him.
"Ok...yeah, I am."

"So, why?"

"I don't know. It's this closeness we have. At first it was alright, but now, it's becoming weird again!"

"Weird, how?"

"I don't know! I just need to put some distance between us and it will be alright again."

"I don't want you to do that," exclaimed Jake, surprisingly aggressive.

Heeseung sighed. He rolled his eyes and asked,

"What? You don't want me to be alright?"

"I'm telling you..."
Jake took a step towards Heeseung, who felt his knees weaken.
"...that I don't want you to put distance between us."

Heeseung laughed, his eyes skipping and his face suddenly burning.
"Do you have feelings for me or something? It's like you have a crush on me."

"I do," replied Jake with a calm tone, taking another step forwards.


"I am attracted to you. Physically at least. I don't need to deny it anymore, I've always found you handsome."
Heeseung hated himself for feeling happy to hear that.
"And it's a good thing," continued Jake. "Since it means this thing could work."
He slid his arm around Heeseung's waist.
"Now, if you feel weird, it means it is working. So, stay close to me, and keep feeling weirder."

End Game (Jake x Heeseung Fanfic)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora