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The evening of this very day, Heeseung waited until they arrived home before speaking his mind to Jake:

"Are you completely crazy?! Why would you say we were a couple? Why did you treat Alicia like that!? It was horrible!"

"What? Didn't you see she was the one who tried to humiliate me? Why did she have to come and deal with such a personal matter in front of everyone.
Plus, even if we aren't exactly a couple right now, we will end up as one anyway, so whatever."

"There is no way for us to ever become a couple! What are you talking about!?" exclaimed Heeseung without thinking.

Jake straightened up right in front of him, looking suddenly taller than he was.

"Are we going to have this conversation again?" he asked on a grave tone.
A little scared, Heeseung avoided his gaze.
"I did what you said, and took it slow. I made myself agreeable around you and opened up to you. But you're still thinking this is a joke?" Heeseung took a step back, and Jake sighed.
"I have to acknowledge one thing tho: you're goddamn hard to like!"

And on this word, Jake left to go to his room.

Left alone, Heeseung felt a wave of rage coming over him.

What did he say? Heeseung was "hard to like"? When he was the one wanting this whole "becoming close" thing!

Heeseung felt stupid for thinking they had become friends somehow. And this humiliation had to be paid for!

Since Jake wanted them to become lovers, Heeseung would grant him just that.

End Game (Jake x Heeseung Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now