Notes from the author

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First, thanks for reading until the end! 😘

Heejake really is my favorite ship.
Damn, they're hot!! I wasn't lying when I said I was obsessed with them. Really I'm already thinking about a third story with them!
I would like to change the decor tho... (Any ideas about the place, time or vibe is welcome)

In this one, Jake really is so mean! The disrespect Alicia gets is terrible!

And Heeseung is simping sooooo hard (same tho)!

As I say at the beginning, it's a remastering of an old story from probably six years ago, and the old one was absolutely ruthless. This Jake is adorable in comparison.

I really wanted to write a lot about them being all lovey-dovey, but once the two protagonists finally get together, I lose all interest in the story 😭 hence the time lapse before I wrote the last three chapters of this story.

Now, big up to my best fan and all her comments! She'll recognize herself 😉 (I hope I'm not using the wrong pronouns)

And thanks to all of you for your comments, it really makes my day, I love iiiiit!!!

If I find the inspo/motivation, a bonus chapter might be coming later...📝

Anyway, Enhypen for the win!!!

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