Huge jerk

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It was no longer uncomfortable for Heeseung to say hi to Jake in the morning. It was no longer hard to find a subject of conversation, wether during breakfast or on their way to school. It was no longer unnatural to spend their lunch time together.

Everyone knew the two boys somehow made up, and everyone was very happy about it.

Everyone except Alicia.

Jake had never been a very affectionate boyfriend. But to see him suddenly spend all his free time with his biggest rival was too much for her.

It was insulting to her that she used to fight for a minute with him, while he was now stuck all day to one of her male classmates, as popular as this one may be.

So one day, she decided to confront Jake in front of Heeseung:

"What is going on between you two! Why do you spend so much time with him, when you never even asked for a date with me!?" she whined.

Jake stared at her without a word.

Actually, everyone stared at her.

Especially Heeseung, who had completely forgotten that Jake and Alicia used to date.

"Say something!" she exclaimed. "Are you two gay, or what?"

Jake sighed.

"What if we are?"
Everyone opened eyes wide, Heeseung included.
"It would be none of your business. And since you ask, if I never asked you for a date, it's because I never really cared about you. I was only dating you to make Heeseung angry after all."

Without skipping a beat, Alicia slapped Jake across the face so hard, it echoed through the cafeteria.

The whole place became silent.

Alicia turned around, tears in her eyes, and fled.

Jake shrugged and rubbed his thumping cheek. Everyone staring at him in awe.

End Game (Jake x Heeseung Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now